INCIDENT A Floorman and a Roustabout were applying torque on the polish rod before it could be fished out. A 36” pipe wrench was used for the purpose. As the Roustabout was pushing the pipe wrench to rotate the rod and before the Floorman had full grip of it to maintain the torque, at the same time the Driller picked up the string which released the reactive torque and caused the rod and pipe wrench to spin back hitting the Roustabout in the face and Floorman on his shoulder. The Roustabout sustained open wound below his left eye and broken nose while the Floorman escape with minor bruising on his shoulder. ROOT CAUSES: Using wrong tools for the job. No coordination and communication between Driller and the crews. Lateral Learning Use the correct tools for the job. Recommended Actions: Discuss this alert in toolbox talks and HSE meetings and Distribute to all contractors Post on HSE notice boards Include in site HSE induction Key Learning: Always use correct tools for the job – wheel sucker rod wrench!! Broken Nose Contact MSE511 for further information or visit HSE website LTI No. 71 2010 Alert No 40 January, 2011