What is this? How could this lead to progress in surgery?
Lesson Objectives To identify and compare the works of Lister and Halsted and their contribution to surgical developments To assess the importance of germ theory in surgical developments To explain the key features of both antiseptic and aseptic surgery
What was Lister’s important discovery?
Who was Joseph Lister? A professor of surgery in Glasgow, Lister was the first to realise that Pasteur’s Germ Theory had implications for surgery. He realised he need to kill the germs in the operating theatre and set about doing this as shown below. He developed Antiseptic Surgery and the results were dramaticThe death rate plunged in Lister’s operations. It was clear to surgeons that removing germs from operating theatres was crucial to lowering death rates. Lister’s methods did have drawbacks in that the use of carbolic acid sprayed all over the operating room, the patient and the surgeon and his instruments damaged hands and lungs as well as creating an unpleasant environment.
Antiseptic Surgery (KILLS GERMS) LISTER
How did Halsted develop surgery further?
Aseptic Surgery – (prevents germs being there in the first place) HALSTED
Who was William Halsted? Halsted was a surgeon who used carbolic acid to kill germs However, tired of hearing his wife, who was a nurse, complaining about the state of her hands as a result of the acid, Lister pioneered the use of ASEPTIC surgery Aseptic surgery worked on the principle of keeping germs away from the operating theatre and wound so as to prevent infection Halsted and his team wore hats, gloves, masks and protective clothing to limit germs in the operating environment
Who made the most important contribution to nineteenth century developments in surgery? Your hot air balloon is sinking fast – You can only keep 2 people in it, Who will you save? Halsted Simpson Pasteur Lister