ADV 4936 Account Planning by Modules/Weeks
Module One – 4 weeks Introduction to Creative Strategy and Branding Week of Topic In-class Agenda Assignment w/o 8/27 INTRODUCTION MMC 4936 FALL 2014 How the course is organized Student and professor expectations Individual and Team Project description Overview: The structure of an Ad Agency: Creative Department Watch Art and Copy Documentary Read pages 3-53 Textbook “Readings in Account Planning” w/o 9/3 ACCOUNT PLANNING OVERVIEW What is Account Planning Introduction to the Account - Planner and the Creative process Communicating with Creatives Lecture plus In-class discussion of assigned reading Textbook pages 3-53 Read pages 57-99 Textbook “Readings in Account Planning” w/o 9/10 UNDERSTANDING THE BUSINESS, UNDERSTANDING THE ISSUE The New World of Marketing Communication in Advertising: The Agency World Advertising Regulations, Ethics and Legal Aspects Behavior Theoretical Models and Communication Models Communications Models: How do we communicate, Right/Left side brain functions, Festinger/Maslow AP Exercise #1 Discussion Lecture plus In-class discussion of assigned reading Textbook pages 57-99 AP Exercise #1 due by 9/17 Read pages 299-309 Textbook “Readings in Account Planning” w/o 9/17 UNDERSTANDING THE BRAND: THE SOUL OF A BRAND What is a brand Brand's Features, Benefits, Wants and Needs, Branding, Positioning, Resonance Strategic Thinking, Identifying and understand critical branding elements Lecture plus In-class discussion of assigned reading Textbook 299-309 AP Exercise #1 Individual Presentation Catch-up with your reading and prepare for Mid-term Exam w/o 10/6
Module Two – 4 week The Big Idea and the Creative Brief Week of Topic In-class Agenda Assignment w/o 9/24 THE CREATIVE BRIEF AND BRIEFING What is a creative brief? Understanding the issue Reading the research and consumer insights Lecture plus In-Class Discussion and course catch up Catch-up with your reading and prepare for Mid-term Exam w/o 10/6 w/o 10/1 UNDERSTANDING AN IDEA, CREATIVITY The Creative Brainstorming Process The Big Idea Concepting Approaches The SWOT Analysis What is a Campaign?: Components, Continuity, Telling the Story, Headlines and Taglines Lecture plus In-Class Discussion and course catch up Study for Midterm Exam to cover all in-class material and Textbook pages 3-53, 57-99, 299-309 w/o 10/8 MID-TERM EXAM THIS WEEK Mid-Term Exam Read pages 103-170 Textbook “Readings in Account Planning” w/o 10/15 UNDERSTANDING THE CONSUMER Consumer Insights and Trends: The changing Marketplace Multiculturalism, Lifestyle, Religion and other audience “definers” The International Marketplace Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods and how to interpret data to extract correct insight interpretation. Lecture plus In-class discussion of assigned reading Textbook pages 103-170 AP Exercise #2 Discussion AP Exercise #2 due by 10/29
Module Three – 4 weeks Research Methods and Media Week of Topic In-class Agenda Assignment w/o 10/22 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: THE FOCUS GROUP DESIGN SESSION Introduction to Qualitative Research: Extracting the Consumer Insights Focus Groups design In-class Mock Focus Group Focus Group Moderator Training In-Class Focus Group Assign Brand Revive Teams and meet with Team to select brand Prepare qualitative research documents for Brand Revive Team project due next class w/o 10/29 QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH Introduction to Quantitative Research: Extracting the Consumer Insights from numbers Discuss Quantitative Research for BrandRevive AP Exercise #2 Individual Presentation w/o 11/5 THE MEDIA LANDSCAPE: TRADITIONAL COURSE CATCH UP AP Exercise #3 Discussion Read pages 216-232 Textbook “Readings in Account Planning” AP Exercise #3 due by 11/12 w/o 11/12 THE MEDIA LANDSCAPE: DIGITAL AP Exercise #3 Individual Presentation Lecture plus In-class discussion of assigned reading Textbook pages 216-232 Read pages 197-215 Textbook “Readings in Account Planning”
Module Four – 4 weeks Pitching for New Business, Being a Visionary and Final Presentations Week of Topic In-class Agenda Assignment w/o 11/19 EXPLORING NEW BUSINESS: BRIEFING and PRESENTING Pitching new ideas and new business presentations Preparing an advertising pitch for the client Continuity, teamwork and creativity How to make presentations with an impact to gain and keep clients Lecture plus In-class discussion of assigned reading Textbook pages 197-215 Catch-up with your reading and prepare for Final Exam w/o 12/8 w/o 11/26 THE COOL HUNT Being a visionary Understanding what’s cool Lecture plus in-class discussion Study for Final Exam to cover all in-class material and Textbook 103-170, 216-232 , 197-215 w/o 12/3 FINAL TEAM PRESENTATIONS Final Team Presentations Final Team Presentation w/o 12/8 FINAL EXAM WEEK Final Exam Week
Account Planning Exercises At-a-glance Revised 9/17 Account Planning Exercises At-a-glance Assignment Due Date Topic Exercise #1 – w/o 9/17 The R.I.P. Rap Aka The Brand Eulogy Exercise #2 – w/o 10/29 We’ve Got You Covered Magazine Cover Exercise #3 – w/o 11/5 People Who Aren’t Like Me (and what I learned from them)
BrandRevive Team Project Timetable Revised 9/17 BrandRevive Team Project Timetable Date Task w/o 10/20 Team Selection Secondary Research for brand selection Team approval of brand 10/27 Primary Research Document Preparation Approve documents by team w/o 11/3 and 11/10 In-Field Research: Conduct Primary Research with Target 11/10 Collect and Tabulate Results Extract Insights to develop creative strategy Write creative brief w/o 11/17 and 11/24 Develop campaign components based on creative strategy and brief w/o 12/1 Final Brand Revive Presentation