Why did the American Public lose faith in the Vietnam War? The Vietnam War Part 3: American Popular Opinion of The War (1962-1975) Why did the American Public lose faith in the Vietnam War? What were some major events that illustrate the divide in the nation?
American Public Opinion at first 61% in favor 24% opposed
Reason #1: The Living Room War = TMI Vietnam is sometimes called the “Living Room War” Live coverage of the conflict was aired on TV nightly… Once America saw how brutal the battle was…they started to questions why America was in Vietnam.
Fighting the Vietcong Cu Chi Tunnel (Saigon) 130 Miles!
“From the tunnels we were able to fight Americans from every angle,” said the Colonel Chau Lam, a veteran of the tunnels once known by the code name “Uncle Number Seven”. “They didn’t know where we were coming from. That way we could do more damage and limit casualties with fewer forces.” -as quoted on MSNBC.com
"When foreigners come there is war. When foreigners go there is peace,“ -Viet Cong pamphlet
How can America tell if they are winning the battle? Westmoreland used body counts to prove the US was winning. How do we fight an enemy we can’t find? * Search & Destroy = destroy everything, force the Vietcong out of hiding. But the Vietcong keep hiding in the jungle… Napalm = jelly gasoline bomb. Agent Orange = chemical pesticide that kills all vegetation (plants)
Agent Orange = pesticide, used to kill jungle…bad side effects
Reason #2: The Draft…was it fair? William Westmoreland = U.S. commander in South Vietnam America’s Plan in Vietnam: 1.) We have better weapons, use them 2.) Fight a War of Attrition = gradual wearing down of the enemy by continuous harassment. This plan takes a lot of? … American Soldiers
Selective Service System = The Draft Who went to war? Who Did not? (1965-1975) Selective Service System = The Draft You Get to Stay Home! College Deferment: Males in College = did not go to war. Usually wealthy/white Conscientious Objector (CO) = people who has moral/religious issues with the war People flee to Canada Medical reasons (handicaps)
Who went to war? Who Did not? (1965-1975) These people go to war: The Poor & Middle Class can’t afford college = get drafted African Americans Women nurses, Red Cross, USO (entertainment)
1962: Military Advisors are in Vietnam = Protest Begins Americans Protest! (1962-1975) The Draft plus All these bad things = Americans PROTEST 1962: Military Advisors are in Vietnam = Protest Begins Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) Organized: teach-ins, building take overs, riots Why are Americans so Angry? Credibility Gap = loss of trust in the government
1968 = Johnson did not seek re-election I report to you that our country is challenged at home and abroad: that it is our will that is being tried and not our strength; our sense of purpose and not our ability to achieve a better America. I'm tired. I'm tired of feeling rejected by the American people. I'm tired of waking up in the middle of the night worrying about the war. Doing what's right isn't the problem. It is knowing what's right. 1968 = Johnson did not seek re-election