Care Leavers Useful websites for young people For advice and information on local events and opportunities The Helena Kennedy Foundation provides financial, and other, support to a particular group of people who are not eligible for student loans in the usual way. for all forms and guidance for registration and application for funding. guide to HE specifically for care leavers. National Careers Service qualified careers advisers for Information Advice and Guidance, us/contact us/Pages/default.aspx Care Leavers I'm thinking of returning to Education or Training and I am a Care Leaver between 21and 25 years old . . . Can I ask for help? Virtual School Promoting a long-term commitment to young people through care, 0 to 25 years Who can ask for help and support? Former Relevant Care Leavers (21+) who are eligible to access courses and student finance as Settled Home Students up until the age of 25 years. What is meant by ‘education or training’? The law says that the definition of ‘education or training’ must be interpreted broadly and could include a range of opportunities e.g.: Basic skills courses – so you have the skills to help get a job Vocational training and apprenticeships Courses in Further Education University courses Post graduate Qualifications How can I apply for support? Complete the form inside this brochure and return it to the leaving care service that you were supported by previously. We will contact you to determine what level of support we can offer. Examples of what we can offer include: What you want to achieve overall/long term & explore how this could be done. Whether this request is for the right course for you and what you have done so far in preparation. Information recorded in your previous Pathway Plans up to age 21 regarding skills that you have and your previous education, employment and training experiences. How the education or training will help you to find employment in the future. Your financial situation and funding needed to undertake the programme.