Towards establishing the GlobCOLOUR Service within the GMES Marine Core services Globcolour / Medspiration user consultation, Dec 4-6, 2006, Villefranche/mer Towards establishing the GlobCOLOUR Service within the GMES Marine Core services Odile Fanton dAndon Antoine Mangin ACRI-ST
Towards establishing the GlobCOLOUR Service within the GMES Marine Core services Scope Continuation of the Globcolour initiative in the MCS Ingredients of today Establish and strengthen links with research Interfaces Maturity – need for structuration Demonstration activities
Towards establishing the GlobCOLOUR Service within the GMES Marine Core services GlobCOLOUR Deliverables Satisfy emerging demand for validated merged ocean colour derived information Demonstrate the current state of the art in merging together data streams from different ocean-colour sensors: MERIS, SeaWiFS, MODIS-AQUA, POLDER-Parasol Provide a long time-series (10 years) of ocean-colour information Put in place the capacity to continue production of such time series in the future Demonstrate a global NRT ocean-colour service based on merged satellite data
Towards establishing the GlobCOLOUR Service within the GMES Marine Core services System components for MCS as seen today EO space & ground segment In situ observing systems Thematic Assembly Centres (In situ, altimetry, SST, OC, SSS…) Modelling infrastructure Service delivery …. based on subsidiarity principle, Make maximum use of past investment Courtesy of Peter Ryder – Chairman of the MCS_IG
Towards establishing the GlobCOLOUR Service within the GMES Marine Core services Science Operations Services Globcolour ESA Marcoast ESA Mersea IP E.U. Ingredients of today Simple panorama OC TAC European policy Climatology OO
Towards establishing the GlobCOLOUR Service within the GMES Marine Core services GMES MM Data Access Infrastructure Ocean Colour TAC MCS E2E validation Space Component Data Layer GMES Service Downstream Service End of GlobColour/MARCOAST Services (assume 33 months from start of process to first service delivery) Start of downstream services Schedule of Marine Information Services / OC MARCOAST WQ Services GLOBCOLOUR
Towards establishing the GlobCOLOUR Service within the GMES Marine Core services Establish and strenghten links with research Research is not in the mandate of GlobCOLOUR But team members are doing it … Need to Link with Mersea and with JRC Contribute to maintain and increase the competence on data merging, space/instruments techniques, biogeophysical modelling. Coordinated validation efforts
Towards establishing the GlobCOLOUR Service within the GMES Marine Core services 3rd parties missions (MODIS, SeaWiFS,.. Instrument/Thematic expertise Interfaces for OC TAC? Ground segment Satellite Application Facilities Thematic Assembly Centres Ground segment (+ SAF?)TAC L1/2L2/2P L2P/3 Need for cal/validation data exchange Instrument expertise Instrument expertise Instrument expertise Thematic/Regional expertise ESA – MERIS, S3, …
Towards establishing the GlobCOLOUR Service within the GMES Marine Core services Globcolour can bring the global/pan European service (NRT, re-analysis of long time series, products evolution based on user feedback and improvement of state of the art – e.g. C. moulin presentation, QC) Globcolour can bring consistent Quality controlled and validated primary inputs to regional organisations (see L Santorelli presentation) Regional / Pan European Interfaces ?
Towards establishing the GlobCOLOUR Service within the GMES Marine Core services Maturity – need for structuration/synergies OC community is not structured as are the altimetry or SST ones Community is also much larger and cannot be limited to oceanography modellers. Need for strong requirements/users federation (through IOCCG?) like GHRSST for SST (see K. Casey, V. Garçon, …) Parallel architecture definition and setting up with SST world to favour synergies and information exchanges Globcolour can interface with Medspiration to increase consistency of products delivery towards our common end users (e.g. see Rosa B. presentation)
Towards establishing the GlobCOLOUR Service within the GMES Marine Core services Marcoast S6 Downstream services Water quality assessment Water quality monitoring and alert Algae Bloom alert Marcoast – Metocean data service Ocean colour data service Regional (towards regional service providers) European (EEA) End to end demonstration – from 2008 – for MCS validation Global scale (IOCCG, IOCCP, OO, regional OO) Globcolour towards OC TAC
Towards establishing the GlobCOLOUR Service within the GMES Marine Core services Thank you for your attention