Chapter 25 Lesson 1 ALCOHOL
Alcohol Use: A High Risk Behavior Ethanol – The type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages Fermentation – The chemical action of yeast on sugars
Alcohol Use: A High Risk Behavior Alcohol – is a depressant; It may initially give you a “buzz” it is a depressant Intoxication – “Drunk” – Physical and mental impairment resulting from the use of alcohol and can range from an inability to walk to unconsciousness
Alcohol and Teens 80% of teens nationwide have tried alcohol at least once Half of all teens who die each year die as a direct result of alcohol or other drugs Alcohol is a factor in unplanned pregnancies, STD’s, homicides, and dating violence Nearly 5 million problem drinkers in U.S. are between 14 and17
Why Young People Drink To escape pressures and problems To feel better or get over being sad or lonely To deal with stress To feel more self-confident For excitement To fit in To get away with something To deal with boredom
Factors That Effect Teen Alcohol Friends Peer pressure Family – If parents are users Advertisements – 1 Billion/year spent on advertising alcohol Many ads are aimed at teens
You and Your Decisions About Drinking Alcohol is unsafe, unhealthful, and illegal for minors Negative consequences far outweigh any imagined benefit of alcohol use