A Vocabulary Review Activity
Set-Up Directions: Type a vocabulary word on each of the following 12 slides in the subtitle textbox. When complete, run the show by pressing F5 on the keyboard.
Directions for play Choose a score keeper for the game. The score keeper will write the names of the teams on the board or flip chart and tally the score after each turn. Divide up into 2 or 3 teams. Each team should choose a team name. While alternating teams, players on each team take turns standing up and facing away from the Password board while the other team members give one word clues. If the player guesses the correct word before the buzzer goes off, that team scores 10 points. (The buzzer goes off in about 23 seconds.) The team with the highest score wins the game.
Ready to play?
The is… Transformation
The is… Reflection
The is… Rotation
The is… Congruent
Alternate Interior Angles The is… Alternate Interior Angles
The is… Translation
The is… Similar
Same – Side Interior Angles The is… Same – Side Interior Angles
The is… Corresponding Angles
The is… Ordered Pairs
The is… X-axis
The is… Transversal