IFA007: VNF LCM The Or-Vnfm reference point is used for exchanges between Network Functions Virtualization Orchestrator (NFVO) and Virtualized Network Function Manager (VNFM) [ETSI GS NFV-IFA 007]. It supports a number of interfaces of which the VNF Lifecycle Management interface is of particular interest (produced by VNFM, consumed by NFVO). On this interface, the following operations are defined: • Create VNF Identifier • Instantiate VNF • Scale VNF • Scale VNF to Level • Change VNF Flavour • Terminate VNF • Delete VNF Identifier • Query VNF • Heal VNF • Operate VNF • Modify VNF Information • Get Operation Status For performing these operations, the VNFM relies on the VNFD, per IFA007. Note: Get Operation Status & Query VNF: There is no special VNFD requirement for this operation.
VNF LCM descriptions Operation Support by VNF Explanation Instantiate VNF Mandatory Allocate virtualised resources, configure them, start the application, trigger configuration of the application. Scale VNF Optional Change the amount of virtualised resources allocated to a VNF. Scale VNF to Level This operation scales an instantiated VNF of a particular DF to a target size. The target size is either expressed as an instantiation level of that DF as defined in the VNFD, or given as a list of scale levels, one per scaling aspect of that DF. Instantiation levels and scaling aspects are declared in the VNFD. Query VNF Obtain runtime information about the VNF instance (VnfInfo). Terminate VNF Terminate the VNF, and release the virtualised resources. Change VNF flavour Change the deployment flavor of the VNF, which typically includes changing the amount of virtualised resources, and the topology. Heal VNF Virtualisation-related corrective actions to repair a faulty VNF, and/or its VNFC instances and internal VNF Virtual Link(s). Operate VNF Start or stop the VNF software. Modify VNF Info Change certain items of the VNF runtime information (VnfInfo). Modify configuration Providing configuration parameters information for a VNF instance Note: this operation is classified as a “Configuration Management” operation in IFA007. It is not under LCM operation.
modify_configuration tosca.interfaces.nfv.vnf.lifecycle.xxx lifecycle.Basic lifecycle.Healable lifecycle.Scalable lifecycle.Custom instantiate terminate modify_information modify_configuration change_flavour operate heal scale scale_to_level do_something NFV Profile Operations Operations Operations Operations This proposal, [NFV Profile] introduces a set of new TOSCA Interface Types: Basic, Healable, Scalable and Custom. [TOSCA YAML Profile] has introduced create, configure, start, stop, delete. To fulfill IFA007 VNF LCM requirements, the “create” and “delete” operations from [TOSCA YAML Profile] and all of the operation from [NFV Profile] are used. Mapping: “create” operation to a VNF on the network service level is mapped to “Create VNF identifier” + “Instantiate VNF” operations on the Or-Vnfm interface. Instantiate VNF mapped to lifecycle.Basic: instantiate operation from VNFD. Mapping: “delete” operation to a VNF on the network service level is mapped to “Terminate VNF” + “Delete VNF identifier” operation on the Or-Vnfm interface. Terminate VNF mapped to lifecycle.Basic terminate operation from VNFD Mapping: “start” and “stop” operations to a VNF on the network service level is mapped to “Operate VNF” operations on the Or-Vnfm interface. lifecycle.Standard create configure start stop delete TOSCA YAML Operations