John Adler Chief Executive, Leicester’s Hospitals Leicester’s Research Live – celebrating our success
Overview of Leicester’s Hospitals £968M budget (2017/18) Over 15,000 staff, many of whom are involved in research Serve a population of 1 million residents, plus a further 2 million regional patients needing specialist care Leicester’s Research Live – celebrating our success
Big investments, including £48M new ED 1673 beds across 3 sites More than 200,000 annual admissions Leicester’s Research Live – celebrating our success
Public and patient involvement We have a membership of 16,489 people who are interested and actively engaged with the hospital. Leicester’s Research Live – celebrating our success
Our Research We conduct research in all specialisms, with world-renowned expertise in cardiovascular, respiratory, diabetes, cancer and renal disorders. Leicester’s Research Live – celebrating our success
Infrastructure NIHR Biomedical Research Centre NIHR Clinical Research Facility Hope Clinical Trials Facility Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre Research Space Leicester’s Research Live – celebrating our success
Host to Clinical Research Network East Midlands Partnerships with Leicester Precision Medicine Institute, Leicester Clinical Trials Unit Have the NIHR Research Design Service East Midlands and CLAHRC EM on our doorstep Leicester’s Research Live – celebrating our success
We have 234 commercial trials currently active. In 2016/17 we had 957 clinical trials take place on our sites, for which we recruited nearly 12,000 participants. We are 6th in England for Performance Initiation and Delivery; we conducted 116 interventional trials last year, including 31 cancer drug trials. We have 234 commercial trials currently active. Leicester’s Research Live – celebrating our success
Importance of research Research active trusts overwhelmingly have better patient outcomes, for example, by providing access to novel treatments not currently available on the NHS that can improve quality of life and even extend lives Patients report higher levels of satisfaction, in part driven by more frequent contact with clinicians. Leicester’s Research Live – celebrating our success
Research encourages staff development Research encourages staff development. For example, staff get opportunities to learn advanced techniques and use state-of-the-art equipment. Quality of care is generally higher in research active hospitals – there is an indirect improvement on the care of patients not involved in research. Leicester’s Research Live – celebrating our success
Research improves staff retention and helps with recruitment. It improves morale: staff feel they are making an important contribution to the future state of healthcare. Leicester’s Research Live – celebrating our success
In terms of social responsibility beyond the walls of the hospital, collaborative research with universities and industry generates wealth in the local economy, which is good for society. If a product or treatment is shown to be ineffective, money can be saved by rendering that treatment obsolete. Leicester’s Research Live – celebrating our success