Child Identifier Definition A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a child by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity. Format Alphanumeric - 30 characters maximum Option Set None
Individualized Program Type Definition A designation of the type of program developed for a student. Option Set Description Option 504 plan 05978 GIEP - Individualized education program for gifted student 05980 Individualized education program (IEP) 02196 Individualized family service plan (IFSP) 02198
Service Entry Date Definition The year, month and day on which a person begins to receive early intervention, special education or other services. Format YYYY-MM-DD Option Set None
Service Exit Date Definition The year, month and day on which a person stops receiving early intervention or special education services. Format YYYY-MM-DD Option Set None
Early Learning Assessment Result Child Outcomes Summary Rating for Outcome A- social The Child Outcomes Summary (COS) rating as determined. Numeric 1 to 7 (with definitions) Early Learning Outcome Measurement Level (Marker) Use for outcome measures in early learning. Baseline - Baseline- at entry AtExit - At exit No - No Other - Other Progress for COS Outcome A - social emotional skills The response to the question of whether the child made progress in social-emotional skills Y/N