Use a ruler to underline your title 3 December, 2018 It is a PCSA expectation that you always underline titles and date work. The Three Marks of Life Use a ruler to underline your title 13/03/15 Yr9 Ethics GTC Feb 2015
What did Buddha teach people about? He did not teach people about God. There is no God in Buddhism. He did not teach anything about how the world was created He did not teach about life after death. As there is no life after death What he did teach about was how to stop suffering.
The Three Universal Truths Anicca – Nothing lasts forever and everything changes Anatta – There is nothing permanent about you. Dukkha - all of life is unsatisfactory or suffering. We suffer because we do not accept that everything changes
Anicca: Nothing lasts forever everything changes 50,000 of the cells in your body will die and be replaced with new cells, all while you have been reading this sentence The Greek Philosopher Heraclitus said “You could not step into the same river twice”
Anicca: Nothing lasts forever everything changes You have bought this car Over the course of time you have had to change the gears, wheels, windows, paintwork, seats, engine.......................In fact you have replaced everything in the car Do you still have the same car you bought?
Two one minute activities In your jotters make two lists. One list of things that do not change and one list of things that do change. A praise point for anyone who finds something that does not change.
Anatta: You change? Buddha would say that you constantly change and that you have no soul. The Senses Body Thoughts Imagine you have met the 5 year old you. Take 1 minute to write down the differences there would be in the form and thoughts of you today and that little girl/boy.
Relationship Breakdown Birth Dukkha: All of life is unsatisfactory because there is so much suffering. Aging Teenage Years Death Times of illness Relationship Breakdown
Dukkha: We suffer because we do not accept that everything changes Birth Dukkha: We suffer because we do not accept that everything changes Aging Teenage Years Death Times of illness Relationship Breakdown