Welcome to Pullman High School 8th Grade Parent Meeting March 20th, 2018
Introductions Principal: Erik Heinz Assistant Principals: Chris Franklin & Juston Pollestad Counselors: Kellie Glaze and Gene Baldeck Booster Club: Amy Tull
Tonight’s Overview General Session Parent Break-out sessions
PHS Celebrations 94% On-Time Graduation Rate Clubs and activities participating at the national level Multiple state athletic team/individual participants & champions 87% ELA Proficiency (14% higher than state average); 58% Math Proficiency (32% higher than state average) 5 National Merit Finalists in 17-18 Consistent high AP achievement in Calculus, ELA, History, etc. Increase in course offerings
A minimum of 24 credits are needed to graduate: CLASS OF 2019 & Beyond: Career & College Readiness Standards
Additional GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Class of 2021 & Beyond ASSESSMENTS ELA Smarter Balanced Math Smarter Balanced WCAS (Science) Career Choices course Financial Literacy, HSBP, and Senior Project requirements
Parent Resources Start-Up Days– August 13, 14 (8/14 = Freshmen) Report Cards: Family Access download; mailed home Skyward Family Access PHS website: Weekly Bulletins Counselor Corner (registration, scholarships, grad reqs, etc.) Social Media – PHS Twitter @PullmanHS Hound’s Den Newsletter—monthly, available online Staff emails: firstinitiallastname@psd267.org
LIBRARY RESOURCES Ms. Eve Strongoni The PHS Library is open from 7:30-4:25 Monday –Thursday, and from 7:30-2:50 on Friday. Monday through Thursday from 3:00-4:25 WSU students come in to tutor. New tutors are found every semester through the Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) at WSU. All tutors are required to fill out a volunteer application which includes a background check prior to coming to the school. If we don’t have a tutor for a specific subject I can contact the CCE to see if we can get extra help.
Student Handbook Attendance Policy Cell phones and electronic devices Athletic/Activity Code Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Progressive Discipline--in handbook
Athletics, Activities, Arts, and Academics
PHS Booster Committee a committee of the Pullman Education Foundation GOAL: To provide funding and support of ALL PHS student academics, activities, arts and athletics groups. Lucie – Treasurer Amy/Becky – Co-Chairs Sharon – Gear Secretary - OPEN Annual Donation to the ASB which is distributed amongst all ASB groups. Academics: Math team, Science Bowl – entrance fees Activities: DECA, Key Club, FFA – competition and convention fees; Graduating classes – dance expenses Arts: Band instruments, Drama costumes Athletics: Uniforms , Backpacks, balls, track supplies
General Information & Fundraising Membership/Sports Passes – online/at events Concessions – over $6500 raised – help needed! Auction – over $35K raised Grants – over $35K given back! Christmas Tree Sales – Nov/Dec Gear Sales – at events/online Senior Party – graduation night
Mr. Gene Baldeck– Freshmen Counselor Registration Follow-Up Freshmen Start-Up – Tue., August 14th Additional questions or info
Breakout Information Parents can choose 3 sessions to attend: *There will be only one music breakout session from 7:05-7:20 – if interested, this is the only time this will be available tonight.
Thanks for coming! Please stop by or call the school if we can be of assistance. Pullman High School 509-332-1551