Login Instructions for ePlan Double-Click ePlan icon to begin When ePlan has been installed on your PC, you will see the ePlan icon on your Desktop. Double click this icon to start ePlan
Login as New User Click button shown
Enter Your Login Credentials Enter your individual Login Credentials as provided by eTasking as shown. Note that all fields are **Case Sensitive **
New User Login Screen Successful Login Login Failed If the user login was successful, this screen on the left should be shown (the first time a new user logs in). If not, carefully check the login credentials provided and try again. Note that, for security reasons, Credentials are case sensitive. Also check for any extra spaces of punction marks.
Change to Practice Facility “Rosebud” First time users of ePlan should begin by switching to their Rosebud practice facility and try entering some Service Plan information for a dummy resident. This will also cause ePlan to down their Facility Logo (if it has already been setup) once they return to their home facility (‘Atlantis’ in this example).
Change Back to your Home Facility First time users of ePlan should begin by switching to their Rosebud practice facility and try entering some Service Plan information for a dummy resident. This will also cause ePlan to down their Facility Logo (if it has already been setup) once they return to their home facility (‘Atlantis’ in this example).
Main ePlan Option Screen This completes the Login Instructions for First Time ePlan Users. It is suggested that you now try to create your first Service for a dummy resident in your practice “Rosebud” facility. For more information on this, refer to the Getting Started help link.