Welcome to Parent Orientation! Please find a seat, thank you for coming!
All About Mrs. Blair - My name is Michele Blair. This is my fifth year teaching. When I'm not teaching, I enjoy spending time with my husband Josh, friends and family, my dog Louis, and cooking/baking for my vegan blog. Traveling is also something I enjoy and have been lucky enough to do a lot of. I graduated from KSU in 2012 with my Early Childhood degree and am thrilled to be your child's 2nd grade teacher at Sope Creek. -My teaching philosophy is to encourage and facilitate a positive, creative, and structured learning environment while using differentiation to challenge and accommodate every student.
A Typical Day in 2nd Grade 7:15-7:50- Arrival, Unpack, Morning Work 7:50-8:00- Announcements/Attendance 8:00-8:30- Town Hall, Number Talks, Brain Break 8:30-9:30- Math 9:30-9:45- Snack and Read Aloud 9:45-11:00- Reading and Writing Workshop 11:00-11:45- Specials 11:45-12:00- Independent Reading/Study 12:04-12:34- Lunch 12:50-1:30- Science/Social Studies/Health* 1:30-1:55 Pack up/ Recess 1:55-2:05- Prepare for dismissal 2:10- Dismissal *These subjects are integrated throughout the Language Arts block as well
Classroom Management Plan -Positive Discipline- If I "catch" the students doing something extra kind or going out of their way to do something generous, I will ask them to write their name and put it into the cookie jar. At the end of the month, we will have a lottery and I will chose a name to receive a prize. We also have table points, extra recess Fridays, and other rewards. LIFESKILLS and Soaring Eagle Expectations- These skills are what we will be focusing on all year and will be the focus of our behavior plan. They must demonstrate these LIFESKILLS daily. -Behavior Plan- The students will have the LIFESKILLS in their take home binder, and a monthly calendar. If the student is having trouble with behavior that day, I will not put a sticker on and jot what had been happening on the calendar. If everything goes smoothly, they will receive a sticker on their calendar. If they lose their sticker, then they will owe me 5 laps on the track before they can play at recess and we have a chat about that behavior. -Letters from students- You will receive a letter from your child if a serious problem occurs (and an email or note from me).
Homework Expectations -The students will have 20 minutes of homework each night, plus 20 minutes of reading -There will be a weekly assignment sheet on the outside of their take-home binders -Please initial their homework sheet and calendar every night -Math facts- practicing math facts at home with your child is VERY important! The more automatic it is for them, the easier it is to build upon. -Spelling Tests- words will go home Mondays and tests will be on Fridays so please practice from home nightly. We also practice with games and activities at school. -Included in the 20 min is math practice from the day's lesson -Reading Log needs to be filled out nightly, 300 min/month -Science or Social Studies if needed
- Remind for emergencies Communication is KEY -I will keep all of you updated on my blog (connected to the school website), including weekly curriculum, important information, and classroom news. My blog is www.cobblearning.net/blairsbakers/ - Each child's take home binder will be how we will communicate daily, please remember to check and initial each night -Please feel free to email me for anything at michele.blair@cobbk12.org and when it changes I'll let you know If you have an emergency, my school phone number is 770-916-7085 ext. 1064 - Remind for emergencies
August 14th- Boosterthon Starts August 24th- Family Fun Night Important Dates August 14th- Boosterthon Starts August 24th- Family Fun Night August 28th- Fall Picture Day August 29th- Boosterthon Fun Run/Early Release September 3rd- Labor Day September 24th-28th- Fall Break
Room Representatives -Our room representatives are Leslie Hostinsky and Katie Nelson. They will be helping me organize classroom volunteers and activities throughout the year. . Let's all thank them for signing on for this job!
General Information Birthday celebrations – individually wrapped or precut; can bring to lunch or send in with child in the morning, we have a tree nut allergy this year! Please no nuts! Helper Parent (every other week) If you are unable to come, please find a replacement, or email me so I can make other arrangements. Story Parent (every Friday at snack) The kids love having parents come read to us! Thanks so much for taking your time! Target- Our day is Tuesday this year. Absence and Tardy Policies Please try to have your kids here every day, if they miss more than 6 days a year the school will have to not include their attendance into the school's "grade". Please send in a water bottle to school! They are allowed to keep it on their desk each day.
Second Grade will NOT be taking any standardized tests this year! General Information Conference Week October 15-19th 12:10 dismissal Note: This is also Book Fair week, Red Ribbon week, and no FAST programs this week. Second Grade will NOT be taking any standardized tests this year! No FAST Classes During The Following Weeks: Week of September 24th (Fall Break), Week of October 15th (Conference Week), Week of November 19th (Thanksgiving Week), Week of November 26th (5th Grade Jekyll Island)
- No students can be dismissed after 1:45 pm. General Information Continued... - ALL transportation changes *notes* MUST go through the front office, I am not allowed to accept changes during the day (for safety reasons) - No students can be dismissed after 1:45 pm. -Students turn in lunch money to the Cafe in the morning, and can be paid online. If paid in school: Must be sent in in an envelope and taken to the red box by the cafeteria during the morning If paid online: You can keep track of student's purchases in cafeteria and receive balance notifications If your child is in the Target program, there is a meeting for Target parents on August 14th, at 8:00 am in the Leadership Lodge.
Independent and consistent 2nd Grade Grading System 2 1 3 Independent and consistent Limited Progress Progressing
Thank you so much for coming Thank you so much for coming! I'm so happy to be your child's teacher this year! Any questions?