Star Fish Sea Urchins Sea Cucumbers Phylum Echinodermata Star Fish Sea Urchins Sea Cucumbers
Phylum Echinodermata Number of Species: ~6,000 Habitat 1. Marine only! C. Symmetry: Radial (5 part) 1. Embryo develops as bilateral Reproduction Asexual – Regeneration Sexual – Most are separate sexes
Phylum Echinodermata E. Amazing facts 1. Female Sea Star can deposit 2.5 million eggs at one time. 2. 1 hr. Crown of Thorns sea star can destroy 60 ft of coral reef
Phylum Echinodermata F. Important Structures 1. Water Vascular System 2. Stomach 3. Anus (microscopic) G. Advances over arthropods 1. Embryonic development
Ophiuroidea – Brittle stars
Echinoidea - Urchins
Holothuroidea – Sea Cucumber