King County Audubon Educational Center A joint venture between King County and the Audubon Society
Objectives King County and the Audubon Society proposed an outdoor bird watching and educational facility The facility will feature a variety of native songbirds Provide public interpretative exhibits and birding programs that with enhance patrons knowledge and appreciation for King County’s native bird wildlife. ArcGIS spatial analysis was implemented to determine the optimal location for this facility.
Site selection was based on six parameters
Site Contains six native song bird species: Hammond’s Flycatcher MacGillivray’s Warbler Olive-Sided Flycatcher Western Wood Pewee Yellow-Rumped Warbler Townsend’s Warbler
Bird Distribution in King County
Land Cover Suitable for bird watching Wetlands Open Terrain Deciduous Forest
Located outside of Urban Growth Areas
A suitable distance away from roads Speed Limit (mph) Buffer Distance (ft) 0-20 100 25 200 30 250 35 300 40 400 45 500 50 750 55 1500 60 3000
On King County Public Land
Site should be at least 0.5 square miles
Selected Site These sites satisfied all of the parameters The selected site was chosen because it had the most regular shape.
Selected Site Located Soaring Eagle Regional Park and Ravenhill Open Space 25 miles from downtown Seattle Least fragmented site