NICET Fire Alarm Tech Level 1 Practice Test # 10 © Ted Smith 2017
Instructions Be sure to place this presentation in Slide Show Mode if it is not already in that mode before proceeding The purpose of this drill is to help you improve your skill at finding answers to questions using the applicable fire codes and also to help increase your knowledge of the Fire Alarm codes. Each slide will contain a question. The question will remain in the screen for a period of 2 minutes. At the end of the two minutes, a notification will sound and the slide will transition to the next slide which will have the correct answer to the question. After 15 seconds the next question will appear and the process will continue. During the test do not worry about the correct answers when those slide appear. You will be given an opportunity to review the answers with out the time at the end of the test. Click on the slide to start the timer and begin the test
NFPA 72 The minimum recommended separation for Class A primary and redundant or outgoing conductors installed vertically and routed separately to ensure protection of the cables from physical damage is _____________. 6 inches 12 inches 36 inches 48 inches
Answer B 12 inches Annex A A.12.3.8
First Aid 2. Which of the following are symptoms of a heart attack. Pick Three. A. Chest Pain, pressure or discomfort B. Pain in the left arm or shoulder area C. Inability to speak coherently D. Sweating especially if no physical exertion is happening
answer A, B and D Inability to speak coherently is a symptom of a Stroke
NFPA 72 3. An entire room of emergency control interface devices for a Class A system may have the feed and return legs installed in the same raceway. This is permitted in which of the following sized rooms? A. 15’ x 40’ B. 30’ x 90’ C. 20’ x 55’ D. None of the above
answer A. 15’x 40’ is 600 square feet Annex A A12.3.8.1(3) permits this type of installation in rooms that are less than 1000 square feet.
First Aid 4. A coworker has severely lacerated his hand and blood is spurting out of the wound. What is the first thing that you should do to provide first aid, besides call for medical help. A. Apply a tourniquet to the upper arm B. Apply direct pressure on the area of the cut C. Have them raise their hand below their heart D. Have them stand up to keep blood flowing
Answer B. 2 With a spurting bleed, stopping or slowing the bleeding is the first priority. Tourniquets should only be used by trained medical personnel or in an extreme emergency when direct pressure has not slowed the bleeding.
NFPA 72 5. A circuit powered two wire smoke detector is installed in a Class A Initiating Device circuit. How many terminations will be required at the Fire Alarm Control unit for this circuit? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8
answer B. 4 Annex F Figure F.2.4 There will be two outgoing conductors and two return conductors.
NFPA 72 6. The activation of the initiating device shall occur within ________ seconds of waterflow. 200 10 60 90
Answer D. 17.12.2
NFPA 72 7. Detectors should not be placed closer than ________ inches from an air supply diffuser or return air opening. 12 inches 24 inches 36 inches 48 inches
answer C. Annex A A.
Electrical Theory 8. The total resistance of three resistors wired end to end is _________ ohms if each resistor has a value of 10 ohms. 10 3.3 30 300
Answer C. Resistors wired end to end is another way of saying wired in series. Resistors wired in series are simply added together to get the total resistance.
Electrical Theory 9. What is the total current in a circuit if the circuit contains three resistors valued at 15 ohms, 100 ohms and 20 ohms. The resistors are wired in parallel to each other and the power source of the circuit is 24 volts DC. 20 amperes 9.6 amperes 3.04 amperes 1 ampere
answer C. Total resistance in parallel 1/(1/15+1/100+1/20)= 7.8947 ohms of total resistance E/R=I 24/7.8947= 3.04 A
NFPA 72 10. On a smooth ceiling all points on the ceiling shall have a detector within a distance equal to or less than _________ time the listed spacing. 3 2 .7 .5
Answer C.
NFPA 72 11. Fixed temperature non-restorable spot type detectors must be replace after 15 years or have _______ detectors per 100 laboratory tested. 1 2 5 10
Answer B. T14.4.3.2
NFPA 72 12. Inspection, testing or maintenance of a fire alarm system may be done a person other than the building owner or system owner if : They are factory trained and certified They are direct relative of the building owner It is done under a written contract It is done by a local authority or fire department
answer C.
NFPA 72 13. Two way telephone communication circuits shall be monitored for: Ground faults and Open circuits Ground faults and Short Circuits Ground faults, Short Circuits and Open Circuits Open Circuits and Short Circuits
Answer D and
NFPA 72 14. Visible and audible indication of self restoring supervisory signals and visible indication of their restoration to normal shall automatically occur within _______ seconds. 10 30 60 90
answer D 10.13.1
NFPA 72 15. Monitoring for integrity shall not be required for the interconnection between enclosures containing control equipment within _______ feet of each other where the conductors are installed in conduit. 10 20 30 50
Answer B. 12.6.9
NFPA 72 16. In order to properly visually inspect the fire alarm control equipment for a fire alarm system that is unmonitored for alarm, supervisory and trouble signals the inspection must be done at least: Annually Semiannually Monthly Weekly
answer D T14.3.1
NFPA 72 17. All means of interconnecting equipment, devices and appliances and wiring connections of a signaling circuit shall be monitored for integrity of the interconnecting conductors so that the occurrence of a single open or ground fault condition is the signaling channel is automatically indicated within _______ seconds. A. 60 B. 90 C. 100 D. 200
Answer D. 12.6.1
NFPA 72 18. A control valve switch should send a signal that the control valve is being operated within the first _________________ revolutions of the hand wheel. 1 2 3 4
Answer B. T14.4.3.2
NFPA 72 19. Which of the following methods can be used to test air sampling devices for a fire alarm system: Smoke a vapor machine near the opening of the air sampling device Test with smoke or a listed and labeled product acceptable to the manufacturer Use a listed product acceptable to the manufacturer Use a labeled product acceptable to the manufacturer
answer B. T14.4.3.2
NFPA 72 20. The use of a __________________ is acceptable means of testing a Squib release circuit. Product listed and labeled and approved by the manufacturer Use an AGI flashbulb or other test light approved by the manufacturer Use the flash device on your cell phone None of the above
Answer B Table Item 18 g
NFPA 72 The minimum recommended separation for Class A primary and redundant or outgoing conductors installed vertically and routed separately to ensure protection of the cables from physical damage is _____________. 6 inches 12 inches 36 inches 48 inches
Answer B 12 inches Annex A A.12.3.8
First Aid 2. Which of the following are symptoms of a heart attack. Pick Three. A. Chest Pain, pressure or discomfort B. Pain in the left arm or shoulder area C. Inability to speak coherently D. Sweating especially if no physical exertion is happening
answer A, B and D Inability to speak coherently is a symptom of a Stroke
NFPA 72 3. An entire room of emergency control interface devices for a Class A system may have the feed and return legs installed in the same raceway. This is permitted in which of the following sized rooms? A. 15’ x 40’ B. 30’ x 90’ C. 20’ x 55’ D. None of the above
answer A. 15’x 40’ is 600 square feet Annex A A12.3.8.1(3) permits this type of installation in rooms that are less than 1000 square feet.
First Aid 4. A coworker has severely lacerated his hand and blood is spurting out of the wound. What is the first thing that you should do to provide first aid, besides call for medical help. A. Apply a tourniquet to the upper arm B. Apply direct pressure on the area of the cut C. Have them raise their hand below their heart D. Have them stand up to keep blood flowing
Answer B. 2 With a spurting bleed, stopping or slowing the bleeding is the first priority. Tourniquets should only be used by trained medical personnel or in an extreme emergency when direct pressure has not slowed the bleeding.
NFPA 72 5. A circuit powered two wire smoke detector is installed in a Class A Initiating Device circuit. How many terminations will be required at the Fire Alarm Control unit for this circuit? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8
answer B. 4 Annex F Figure F.2.4 There will be two outgoing conductors and two return conductors.
NFPA 72 6. The activation of the initiating device shall occur within ________ seconds of waterflow. 200 10 60 90
Answer D. 17.12.2
NFPA 72 7. Detectors should not be placed closer than ________ inches from an air supply diffuser or return air opening. 12 inches 24 inches 36 inches 48 inches
answer C. Annex A A.
Electrical Theory 8. The total resistance of three resistors wired end to end is _________ ohms if each resistor has a value of 10 ohms. 10 3.3 30 300
Answer C. Resistors wired end to end is another way of saying wired in series. Resistors wired in series are simply added together to get the total resistance.
Electrical Theory 9. What is the total current in a circuit if the circuit contains three resistors valued at 15 ohms, 100 ohms and 20 ohms. The resistors are wired in parallel to each other and the power source of the circuit is 24 volts DC. 20 amperes 9.6 amperes 3.04 amperes 1 ampere
answer C. Total resistance in parallel 1/(1/15+1/100+1/20)= 7.8947 ohms of total resistance E/R=I 24/7.8947= 3.04 A
NFPA 72 10. On a smooth ceiling all points on the ceiling shall have a detector within a distance equal to or less than _________ time the listed spacing. 3 2 .7 .5
Answer C.
NFPA 72 11. Fixed temperature non-restorable spot type detectors must be replace after 15 years or have _______ detectors per 100 laboratory tested. 1 2 5 10
Answer B. T14.4.3.2
NFPA 72 12. Inspection, testing or maintenance of a fire alarm system may be done a person other than the building owner or system owner if : They are factory trained and certified They are direct relative of the building owner It is done under a written contract It is done by a local authority or fire department
answer C.
NFPA 72 13. Two way telephone communication circuits shall be monitored for: Ground faults and Open circuits Ground faults and Short Circuits Ground faults, Short Circuits and Open Circuits Open Circuits and Short Circuits
Answer D and
NFPA 72 14. Visible and audible indication of self restoring supervisory signals and visible indication of their restoration to normal shall automatically occur within _______ seconds. 10 30 60 90
answer D 10.13.1
NFPA 72 15. Monitoring for integrity shall not be required for the interconnection between enclosures containing control equipment within _______ feet of each other where the conductors are installed in conduit. 10 20 30 50
Answer B. 12.6.9
NFPA 72 16. In order to properly visually inspect the fire alarm control equipment for a fire alarm system that is unmonitored for alarm, supervisory and trouble signals the inspection must be done at least: Annually Semiannually Monthly Weekly
answer D T14.3.1
NFPA 72 17. All means of interconnecting equipment, devices and appliances and wiring connections of a signaling circuit shall be monitored for integrity of the interconnecting conductors so that the occurrence of a single open or ground fault condition is the signaling channel is automatically indicated within _______ seconds. A. 60 B. 90 C. 100 D. 200
Answer D. 12.6.1
NFPA 72 18. A control valve switch should send a signal that the control valve is being operated within the first _________________ revolutions of the hand wheel. 1 2 3 4
Answer B. T14.4.3.2
NFPA 72 19. Which of the following methods can be used to test air sampling devices for a fire alarm system: Smoke a vapor machine near the opening of the air sampling device Test with smoke or a listed and labeled product acceptable to the manufacturer Use a listed product acceptable to the manufacturer Use a labeled product acceptable to the manufacturer
answer B. T14.4.3.2
NFPA 72 20. The use of a __________________ is acceptable means of testing a Squib release circuit. Product listed and labeled and approved by the manufacturer Use an AGI flashbulb or other test light approved by the manufacturer Use the flash device on your cell phone None of the above
Answer B Table Item 18 g