Islam emerged in the Middle East during the 7th century CE at a time when Europe was relatively isolated after the collapses of the Western Roman Empire and Silk Road trade was dominating most of Asia. The emergence of Islam was a turning point in world history because it became the dominant religion of the Middle East and Africa, helped created political unification in these same regions and encouraged cultural and scientific developments that would influence the world for centuries.
Prior to the emergence of Islam there were numerous religions with a variety of belief systems present in the Middle East and Africa. Though Christianity was the most powerful religion in these regions, none of these religions truly dominated the areas in the way that Islam would. After the emergence of Islam quickly grew to become the most prominent religion in Africa and the Middle East as well as influence Europe and Asia, leading to conversions by Christians, Jews, and tribal pagans. Islam became influential due to the military strength and expansion of early Islamic caliphates, such as the Umayyad and Abbasid, successfully conquering much of North Africa, the Middle East, and large parts of Europe. Islam also spread in Africa and parts of Asia due to major trading efforts leading to the development of new culture and power centers, most notably in areas like the Swahili coast based on Islam.