There are over 200 syringe access service programs (SSP) in the United States. These programs provide sterile syringes to people who inject drugs and others to prevent the spread of HIV, Hepatitis C and other blood-borne diseases.
Syringe service programs also provide an array of services including referrals to drug treatment, medical care and other social services. By reducing the spread of blood-borne disease, syringe access programs protect the health and safety of the entire community.
Syringe access programs also protect law enforcement personnel Syringe access programs also protect law enforcement personnel. The first rule of law enforcement is "Come home safe at the end of the day."
These programs help to protect law enforcement personnel from HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C and other blood-borne diseases. These programs help to guarantee that law enforcement personnel come home safe at the end of the day.
Syringe Service Programs & Law Enforcement: Building Alliances Task 1: Step 1 This is Slide Presentation 3. It is more traditional and provides more copy that the others do not. Please note under the notes section for each slide the corresponding tasks for presentation purposes. Note that it is important to replace NY specific information re: syringe access laws with details from your jurisdiction. The Know the Facts Quiz especially requires this information. Indiana Current January 2017
Benefits Of SSP for Police Officers No time lost for an officer due to a needle stick No anxiety for the officer when dealing with new clean needles and/or sharps containers People are more likely to be honest with officers when they aren’t afraid of going to jail Saves departments money because the officer doesn’t have to be treated for clean needle sticks Task 2: Step 3
Benefits of SSP for Monroe County 80% reduction of HCV/HIV rates (currently costs of $40,000,000 a year for HCV alone) Access to offer services to people using drugs before arrest Participants in an SSP are 5x more likely to seek treatment Task 2: Step 3
Impact Of Perspective
Consequences of Fear: The Law ↔ PWID Improperly discarded syringes Displaces PWIDs, making them to difficult to reach and treat prior to arrest Means PWIDs don’t access other health services Don’t report overdoses, increased fatalities Task 3: Step 8
Fear: The Law ↔ PWID Also: Increases NSI (Needle Stick Injuries) to police Escalates interactions between PWID & Law Enforcement Task 3: Step 8
Question 1: TRUE or FALSE? SSPs lead to an increase community crime rates and drug use. FALSE Task 4
Syringe Service Programs DO NOT: Encourage drug use Increase crime rates Increase # of new PWID Task 4
Question 2 How many people in the US are NEWLY infected with HIV & HCV each year? 10,000 HIV & 5,000 HCV 18,000 HIV & 30,000 HCV 7,000 HIV & 3,000 HCV 4,000 HIV & 9,000 HCV Task 4 B
Syringe Service Programs DO: REDUCE risk for HCV REDUCE risk for HIV Task 4
Question 3 The Scott County HIV outbreak will cost approximately how much to treat? $220,000 $2,200,000 $22,000,000 $220,000,000 Task 4 D
Question 4: TRUE or FALSE? The Monroe County Prosecutor’s office has agreed to use discretion and not file charges for participants of the syringe service program for possession of sterile syringes. TRUE To build trust and encourage people to use the program, the prosecutor has chosen not to file charges for possession of a syringe alone. Task 4
Question 5: TRUE or FALSE? The Monroe County Prosecutor’s Office has agreed to use discretion and not file charges for participants of the syringe service program for possession of used syringes. TRUE To build trust and encourage people to use the program, the prosecutor has chosen not to file charges for possession of a syringe alone. Task 4
SAP Cards Confirm Membership Participants receive different coded ID cards; codes are variations of numbers and letters A 24-hour verification phone number is listed on the ID card. Programs are anonymous and confidential. A person without a card can be verified. Task 4
Question 6: TRUE or FALSE? Anyone can purchase and legally carry naloxone and syringes at pharmacies without a prescription. TRUE Any Indiana resident can purchase and legally carry naloxone and the syringes used to administer naloxone. Task 4
Question 7 What percentage of police officers have had a needle stick injury (NSI)? 80% 10% 30% 60% Task 4 C
NSI 30% police have had at least one NSI SAP does NOT increase NSI Studies show a decrease of NSI’s by 66% when syringes are decriminalized
Question 11: TRUE or FALSE? There is a way for SSPs and their clients to report negative interactions with law enforcement. TRUE In Indiana, there is the Indiana SSP Police Incident Form Task 4
Question 12: TRUE or FALSE? Risk of infection of HCV or HIV through a needlestick is very high. FALSE NSI in healthcare settings less then 1 in 400 NSI community settings appears negligible Task 4
Making The Case
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