Best Practice Explicit Instruction CMCSS 2007
Explicit Instruction Explicit - instruction that is concrete and visible teacher explains new strategies in clear and concise language involves modeling and explaining concepts and skills using many examples Teachers provide a high level of support as students practice and apply new skills.
Student Engagement Student engagement - designing instruction so that all students participate in learning activities that have academic value Maximizing student engagement also minimizes activities that do not reinforce and extend student learning.
Systematic and Explicit Instruction Systematic and explicit instruction supports student learning by presenting new material in small steps, with ample practice opportunities. This type of instruction requires careful attention to lesson design and instructional delivery.
Four Phases of Systematic and Explicit Instruction 1. Orientation/review 2. Presentation 3. Guided Practice 4. Independent Practice
Orientation and Review Phase Ensure students have necessary prerequisite skills Activate Prior Knowledge Present Learning Objective Guide procedures
Presentation Phase Present a new skill Model/demonstrate the skill using visual, concrete examples Lead students through highly structured step- by-step practice Along the way teachers: Stay focused on the objectives Pace instruction Monitor students understanding Provide corrective feedback & reinforcement
Guided Practice Phase Remember: Guided practice should occur immediately after new concepts and skills are presented and continue until students receive 85-90% mastery. Teachers –Monitor students as they practice –Correct answers and misconceptions –Reteach when necessary
Independent Practice Phase Teachers Provide multiple practice sessions Continue to provide support Help students integrate new concepts and skills as they read and write Monitor progress Help students generalize skills and concepts to different contexts - math, social studies, science
The Ladder of Explicit Systematic Instruction 6. Quality student response (independent practice). 5. Guided practice (a little or a LOT). 4. Modeling (showing). 3. Explaining (telling). 2. Setting the stage for learning. 1. The lesson (planning, reflecting) ©cgtassociates (2003). All rights reserved. INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT Scaffolding Engagement Think Time Review Feedback Monitoring