W.D. Hamilton (1936-2000) Kin selection theory
Kin Selection & Hamilton’s Rule Altruism is favored when: rB - C > 0 or C/B > r r = relatedness between altruist and recipient B = fitness benefit to recipient C = fitness cost to the altruist
Eusociality Species that live in colonies of overlapping generations One or a few individuals produce all the offspring and the rest serve as functionally sterile helpers in rearing young and protecting the colony Division of labor Reproductive castes
The Naked Mole-Rat: A Eusocial Mammal
Division of labor and reproductive hierarchy
Coral Snake and Scarlet King Snake Can you tell the difference???
Viceroy and Monarch Butterflies Predators need only encounter one form to shun both.
The Cuckoo - A Brood Parasite
Garter Snakes