I. What About The Ladies? School House Rock: Women's Suffrage The Rise Of The Women’s Rights Movement.
A. Women’s rights movement grew out of the anti-slavery movement. 1)Women were denied a voice in politics-they were women. 2) Women should not speak in public. B) In 1800’s Women could not vote, sit on juries, or hold public office. 1) Women were often treated as children who could not take of themselves. 2) Men controlled all their wives land & wages.
3) A husband could also punish his wife if she misbehaved-as long as he did not “seriously” hurt her! “Rule of Thumb” 4) Single women had a few more rights.
C) Many Women take up the Cause!
1) Lucretia Mott
2) Elizabeth Cady Stanton
3) Lucy Stone
4) Sojourner Truth
5) Susan B. Anthony
D) Reformers who called for freedom for slaves also called for Women’s Rights 1) Many were assaulted while they spoke. 2) Hit by books or stones, drenched with water or even physically attacked!
E) Women’s Rights Conferences
1) First Women’s Rights convention West of the Appalachian Mountains was in Salem, Ohio!
2) Most famous women’s rights convention held in Seneca Falls, New York.
a) Almost 100 men and women attended. b) Declaration of Sentiments- “All men and women are created equal.” c) Equality for men and women at work, school, and under the law. d) 2nd major grievance was the right to suffrage. e) men declared “women were weak and helpless!” f) after a long struggle that continues today women have gained their rights! Crash Course History...Women's Suffrage!
Questions 1)What political movement brought about the Women’s Rights movement? 2) Name 4 famous Women’s Rights activists. 3) What was the document that was written to explain a women’s position in society? 4) What was the “Rule of Thumb”?