Research “Ain’t no big thang”
TN Electronic Library: Password Elvis TN Electronic Library: Password Elvis. Check the databases you want to search. Type in topic, print source AFTER you have read it. If it’s long, highlight and print selection or highlight, copy into word, and print. Make sure you’ve got the Source Citation at the bottom of the page. That’s your bib. info.
NetTrekker DI Click on the log in link on the bottom left hand corner. Choose GHS. Type in your topic. Print out information that you need by highlighting the section, going to File, Print, Selection. Make note and bib cards.
Cite it or Ticket. It’s the law. Avoiding plagiarism – To avoid plagiarism, you must cite by putting the author’s name and page number in parenthesis after the information. This gives credit to the author of the information. You must give credit when you use their exact words, their original idea, or their unusual fact or statistic. You do not need to cite facts like birthdays, names of children, common things you would find in any source about your topic. If you aren’t sure, ask me.
Source card/ Bibliography card (bib card) – contains the number of the source in the order that you found it and the bibliography information. It’s helpful to put where you found this source sometimes (textbook, web page, call number). 2 Harris, Muriel. "Talk to Me: Engaging Reluctant Writers." A Tutor's Guide: Helping Writers One to One. Ed. Ben Rafoth. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2000. 24-34. Essay in collection R 972.4
Note card – a card containing the number of the source, one bit of information, and where you found it (page number). If you used the author’s exact words, you must have quotation marks. Feel free to add comments to your note. IIIb 4 King use to write in the dark to feel like he was in the story. my words 482
3 28% of Americans have read or seen some of her work 362 Personality 6 “He was always a strange, quiet, morose child, but I could see it was because he was living in his imagination.” His uncle 86 3 28% of Americans have read or seen some of her work 362