CEOS Priorities and the 2017-2019 GEO Work Programme Committee on Earth Observation Satellites CEOS Priorities and the 2017-2019 GEO Work Programme Kerry Ann Sawyer, CEOS SIT Chair Team National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) CEOS SIT-33 Session 2, Agenda Item 2.3 Boulder, CO, USA 24 – 25 April 2018
Mapping of CEOS Activities to GEO Work Programme Introduction Mapping of CEOS Activities to GEO Work Programme Land Degradation Neutrality Initiative Proposal CEOS Work Plan and GEO
2017-2019 GEO Work Programme CEOS is the Space Coordination Arm of GEO Endorsed at GEO-XIV Plenary but final version not yet released Proposals for new initiatives and flagships due 15 July 2018 New proposals for Community Activities due 1 September 2018 43 References to CEOS
Mapping - CEOS Connections Flagships GFOI – Contributor (SDCG: ESA, UKSA, JAXA +SDCG Secretariat) Initiatives AquaWatch – Contributor (NOAA, also co-Lead) Asia-Oceania GEOSS (AOGEOSS) – Contributor Agreed to remove CEOS as Contributor; plan to develop our support to regional GEOSSs to Capacity Building Foundational Task GEO-DARMA – Contributor (ESA, also Lead) EO4SDGs – Contributor (SDG AHT: CSIRO, ESA, USGS) GEO Carbon and GHG Initiative – Contributor* (NOAA, ESA) GEO-C Steering Committee GSNL – Contributor (DCT: DLR; WGDisasters) GEOSS-EVOLVE – Contributor (WGISS) Blue Planet – Contributor (CSIRO, NOAA) SIT Vice Chair (CSIRO) just confirmed to Ad Hoc Steering Committee
Mapping - CEOS Connections Foundational Tasks Capacity Building Coordination – Lead & Contributor (NASA, USGS) Advancing GEOSS Data Sharing Principles – Contributor (ESA/CNES) GEOSS Satellite Observation Resources** - Lead & Contributor (NOAA and ESA/CNES) Community Activities Earth Observations for Disaster Risk Management – Lead & Contributor (ASI) Global Flood Risk Monitoring – Contributor (NASA is Lead)
Mapping - CEOS Connections Reference to CEOS but no Lead/Contributor GEOGLAM Will be revised to show CEOS as Contributor; significant contributions! DIAS States smooth access to data will be continued via CEOS Water Portal Earth Observations for Managing Mineral Resources States contacts with CEOS and space agencies for design of future high spectral resolution missions. In-Situ Observations and Practices for the Water Cycle States close linkage will be kept between new CA and satellite component through cooperation/coordination with CEOS.
Mapping - CEOS Connections Items to Note GEOGLOWS No reference to CEOS Intent was for GEOGLOWS to coordinate all GEO Water activities and CEOS contributes to AquaWatch and Blue Planet CEOS Freshwater from Space Workshop – May 2018 Space and Security Request from SatCen to gauge CEOS interest in Contributor Access to Climate Data in GEOSS How does this relate to Paris Agreement and Space Climate Observatory Proposal? Understand that NOAA Lead has retired New Initiatives – Discuss here? Land Degradation Neutrality SAON UNOOSA – Climate, Disasters, SDGs
Challenges with CEOS Recognition in GEO Work Programme GEO Secretariat Principle for recognition: organizational and Member/PO affiliation should be determined by which organization makes the contribution which means, in the case of in-kind contributions, which organization pays salary, travel, data costs, etc. As a result, for most POs, the individuals marked as affiliated to the PO are generally staff of the PO or acting as official representatives of the PO, while those who are involved with the PO but are paid by their home organization are counted as a contribution by their home organization (and Member country). With this principle, CEOS is only contributing to three activities. For individuals, GEO Secretariat has started to capture these dual affiliations, counting the home organization (the one paying the salary) as the primary affiliation and the other as a secondary affiliation. What is SIT consensus? 31 May due date.
Land Degradation Neutrality Initiative Proposal At the 8th Programme Board Meeting, 31 Jan – 1 Feb, agreed that the Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Initiative accepted as a Community Activity for the latest update to the GEO Work Programme (only requires GEO Secretariat approval) with the expectation that UNCCD will work with interested and invited participants to further develop the proposal to become a GEO Initiative, which will be made at GEO-XV Plenary. More than data access: UNCCD relying on convening power of GEO and demonstration of end-to-end activities. At PB, CEOS ensured that the language that is in the updated proposal was softened to ensure CEOS resources were not been prematurely committed. But…15 Feb, email from GEO asking for explicit commitment to support by 2 Mar by providing description of intended contributions in expertise, time, etc. or simple expression of support ESA, SANSA, NASA (via USGEO), CSIRO, DLR, JAXA responded positively
Land Degradation Neutrality Initiative Proposal – con’t CEOS Chair responded on behalf of CEOS on 5 Mar indicating that CEOS Agencies would take up CEOS commitment during our SIT-33 meeting and noting that a number of CEOS Agencies had already confirmed commitments to the LDN Initiative. A small group of PB members are reviewing the LDN Initiative proposal and will come with recommendation to the 9th PB in June. ACTION: Discuss the LDN, and potential CEOS Agency contributions and CEOS commitment to LDN, at SIT-33. Land Degradation Neutrality is defined as “A state whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains stable or increases within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems.” U.N. Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
Analysis of 2018-2020 CEOS Work Plan provides 162 citations of GEO CEOS Work Plan and GEO By the numbers Analysis of 2018-2020 CEOS Work Plan provides 162 citations of GEO Includes GEOSS, GEOGLAM, AmeriGEOSS, GEOHazards, GEO-DARMA, GEOBON, GEO Blue Planet, AfriGEOSS, AOGEOSS, …