CS/ECE 507-002: required for graduation? Not actually required: You have 2 choices. Either one satisfies graduation requirements. Choice1: Take CS/ECE 507-002 (3 hours credit) If you do this choice, don’t register for CS/ECE 507-001 (colloquium), this term, and don’t have to go to colloquium this term. Choice2: Take CS/ECE 507-001 (1 hour credit) and also do the CITI online ethics training here: http://research.oregonstate.edu/ori/responsible- conduct-research. If you do this choice, don’t register for CS/ECE 507-002. If you do this choice, do go to colloquium. What are the advantages of each? Choice1: You’ll learn professionalism and diversity skills, not just ethics. Choice2: You don’t have to participate in discussion, and only have to spend 1 hour in class per week instead of 2 (average week).