Latinos in Georgia
Facts -- Latinos in Georgia In 1996: 460,000 Latinos in GA. In 2010: 820,000 Latinos in GA (9% of population). Half concentrated in Cobb, Dekalb, Fulton, and Gwinnett counties. Work in service sector, construction, and industry. 9% of population 29% of working class in GA. 49% do not have health insurance. 41% Poverty rate
Latinos in Georgia Agriculture In rural areas Agriculture Meat processing plants Construction. Majority of Farmworkers are Latinos. Low number of Latino Farmers. Average age of farmers in U.S.: 59 Few Students in agricultural careers at UGA/FVSU. Ag. information not in Spanish. Most Latino Farm Workers and Growers do not speak English. Very few UGA/FVSU personnel speak Spanish. n Vegetable production is expensive and risky Onion transplanting
Majority of Latinos in rural areas have an agricultural background and may potentially be organic growers. In their countries many practiced some type of sustainable agriculture.
Latinos could enrich agricultural culture in Georgia: Traditional agricultural methods (maybe several centuries old)
Crops from American Continent Indigenous America has contributed with important crops to the World. 1. Bean 2. Lima bean 3. Manioc 4. Potato 5. Summer squash 6. Acorn squash 7. Dried chili pepper 8. Fresh chili pepper 9. Corn cob 10. Chili pepper 11. Cocoa beans 12. Corn (maize) 13. Cracked dried corn 14. Pinto bean 15. Pumpkin seed