Woodley Primary School End of Key Stage 2 Assessment 2018
What do we mean by assessments? Tests that are externally marked ‘SATs’ – Standard Assessment Tests On going Teacher Assessment
How Will Test Scores Be Reported? The children will be tested on the ‘new’ national curriculum. The revised curriculum is more rigorous and sets higher expectations which all schools have been working hard to meet since it was introduced 3 years ago. Test formats will be outlined in this presentation. ‘Old’ national curriculum levels (e.g. Level 3, 4, 5) have now been abolished, as set out in the government guidelines. Scores will be reported as a ‘scaled scores’, with 100 seen as the expected national standard.
Key Stage 2 SATs Test Week 2018 Monday 14th May Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test. Paper 1, short answer questions. Paper 2, spelling. Tuesday 15th May Reading Comprehension Test Wednesday 16th May Mathematics Tests. Paper 1 - Arithmetic. Paper 2 - Reasoning. Thursday 17th May Mathematics Test. Paper 3 - Reasoning. All Year 6 children in all schools will sit SATs test in the same week
Reading Test Comprehension 60 minutes 50 Marks 3 texts – become progressively more challenging often a mix of fiction, non-fiction and poetry children answer questions in a separate booklet and are encouraged to refer back to the text as they answer 50 Marks
(Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Test) SPAG Test (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Test) Punctuation and Grammar (including vocabulary) 45 Minute Test 50 Marks Spelling Not timed – Teacher dictates a series of sentences with missing words. 20 Marks SPAG therefore out of 70 Marks
Maths Paper 1 – Arithmetic 40 marks (30 Minutes) Paper 2 - Mathematical reasoning (40 Minutes) 35 marks Paper 3 - Mathematical reasoning (40 Minutes) 35 marks Total - 110 marks There is no Mental Maths Test and no calculators are allowed in any test
Teacher Assessment Reading – children will be assessed to be either: ‘working at the expected standard’ Or ‘working below the expected standard’
Teacher Assessment Writing Working towards the expected standard Working at the expected standard Working at greater depth within the expected standard
Teacher Assessment Maths ‘working at the expected standard’ Or ‘working below the expected standard’
Teacher Assessment Science ‘working at the expected standard’ Or ‘working below the expected standard’
How will the assessments be reported to you? In July 2018 each pupil will receive: A scaled score in each tested subject. (This will be calculated from the raw score they receive on the test) A teacher assessment based on their attainment over the year in Reading, Writing, Maths and Science These will be included in your child’s report
School Will Plan appropriate revision programmes Provide opportunities for the children to answer SATs style questions - including past examples/ papers Encourage the children to share concerns / ask any questions if in doubt Maintain a broad and balanced curriculum
What can you do to help? Continue to support your child with homework Continue to ensure that your child: a) gets a good night’s sleep! b) eats a proper breakfast c) arrives at school on time d) has a mid-morning snack e) has a bottle containing water Please come and share any concerns (or encourage your child to) with us as soon as possible