A Quick Guide. The Tests Revision Booster Classes S.A.T.S Tests 2017 A Quick Guide. The Tests Revision Booster Classes
Key Stage 2: National Tests Interim teacher assessment framework for 2015/16 (DfE, September 2015) Three bands for reading, maths and writing and one band for science Working towards the expected standard Working at the expected standard Working at greater depth within the expected standard Final teacher assessment framework to be published for use from 2017 onwards
Key Stage 2: National Tests Reading, GPS & Mathematics Test results will be converted from raw scores to a scaled score Reporting results to parents/pupils: raw test scores scaled score has met national expected standard in all areas?
Key Stage 2: National Tests Interim teacher assessment framework for 2015/16 (DFE, September 2015) Three bands for writing and one band for reading, mathematics and science Working towards the expected standard Working at the expected standard Working at greater depth within the expected standard
Scaled scores enable raw test marks from different exams to be reported using a consistent scale 100 is the expected
Results For the KS2 tests a “scaled score” of 100 will represent the expected standard. Each pupil sitting the tests will receive: A raw score A scaled score Confirmation of whether or not they attained the expected standard.
2016 results AS (Expected) National Average Achieving AS (Expected) AS (Expected) National Average Achieving AS (Expected) Reading 22/24 = 91.7% 66% (+25.7%)* Writing 20/24 = 83.3% 74% (+9.3%)* SPAG 21/24 = 87.5% 72% (+12.5%)* Maths 70% (+17.5%)*
Monday May 8th – Thursday May 11th Booster/Homework Classes Dates for your Diary! S.A.T.s Week 2016 Monday May 8th – Thursday May 11th Booster/Homework Classes Monday 23rd January
Timetable Monday May 8th Tuesday May 9th Wednesday May 10th Thursday May 11th Friday May 12th Reading Test – 1 hour SPAG Spelling – approx 20 minutes Arithmetic– 30 mins. Mathematics Paper 3 Reasoning – 40 mins. Punctuation and Grammar – 45 minutes Mathematics Paper 2 Reasoning– 40 mins.
English Four Elements One reading paper – 1 hour Monday May 8th – Externally Marked SPAG – two elements – Spelling approx 20 minutes followed by 45 minute Punctuation and Grammar Tuesday 9th May
Mathematics Three Papers. Arithmetic – 36 questions 40 marks– Wednesday May 11th. Paper 2– Reasoning, 35 marks, 40 minutes – Wednesday May 10th. Paper 3– Reasoning, 35 marks 40 minutes – Thursday May 11th. Stress placed on showing working out.
What will be covered in School? Everything we possibly can!
Booster Classes Homework Club – Begins January 23rd – After school till 4.00p.m. every Monday. ALL CHILDREN INVITED. Grammar Boosters Reading inference intervention on a 10 week programme English Masters– Thursdays 8.20 Maths Masters– Fridays 8.20
What can you do at Home? Encourage your child to read their revision booklets regularly and completed the associated homework to the best of their ability and on-time. Plan a revision timetable with them – concentrate on their main concerns as a starting point. Use the BBC Revise Wise Web site as an alternative method of revising. Let your child revise for no longer than 30 minutes at a time. Make sure they eat well and get plenty of sleep – particularly in the last few weeks before the tests begin. DO LOTS OF OTHER THINGS TOO!!