www.oasis-open.org Meeting Agenda - June 8, 2016 Register Attendance https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/cti-interoperability/event.php?event_id=42957 Nomination Nicole Gong CTI TC Interoperability SC Secretary RSA 2017 Interop – Interop WG Conformance and Interoperability Test Framework– Patrick Maroney CTI Supporters Registration and Data – Patrick Maroney Briefing on ETSI, NISD, TC CYBER – Tony Rutkowski Note: We are recording this WebEx Meeting to test viability of alternate communication/coordination methods.
CTI TC Interoperability SC Secretary Jane Ginn is now Co-Secretary for CTI TC Jane is providing transcripts for TC, STIX, TAXII, CybOX SCs, and related working group meetings. Our special thanks to Jane for all of her support to the CTI TC Interoperability SC. Nicole Gong from MITRE has volunteered to take over role of Secretary for the CTI TC Interoperability SC. Motion to nominate Nicole Gong as Secretary for the CTI TC Interoperability SC
RSA 2017 Interop – Interop WG
Conformance and Interoperability Test Framework
CTI Supporters Registration and Data
Briefing on ETSI, NISD, TC CYBER