E-government Working Group Round Table e-government in Italy E-government Working Group Amsterdam, 28-29 October 2004
E-government Working Group E-government in Italy Actual policy / main targets Promoting e-government at Regional and Local level Ensure cooperation/coordination among Central and Local level Developing e-participation Most important building blocks/ implementation strategy Collaboration strategy and boards Interoperability framework (Application Cooperation and technical interoperability) Indentification and authentication tools Reuse and transfer of good practices Main achievements 130 local e-government projects Roadmap for 6 action lines for the II phase of implementation 28/29 October E-government Working Group
E-government Working Group E-government in Italy Most beneficial e-government service / main benefits Ongoing process, few results available Unified access point for services to businesses (unified procedures and integration with other non-administrative services) Main challenges for the future Sustainability for the next years (single projects and overall process) Measurement of take-up and benefits Multi-level (central-local) system implementation (health, job, territorial systems) 28/29 October E-government Working Group