Global History & Geography Br. Siraj | 3 December 20183 December 2018 What were the Impacts of Nationalist Movements of 20th Century in the Middle East? Global History & Geography Br. Siraj | 3 December 20183 December 2018
Turkish Nationalism Young Turks’ Movement started during the late 1800s European powers called Ottoman Empire as “Sick Man of Europe” Ottoman Defeat in World War I caused western powers to occupy many areas in turkey. Mustafa Kemal led the nationalist movement.
Turkish Nationalism He overthrow the Sultan, defeated the occupation forces and declared Turkey a republic. He assumed the title Ataturk and instituted reform.
Kemalist Reforms Islamic Law was replaced with European style law code. Islamic Calendar was replaced with Gregorian calendar. People were required to wear western dress. Muslim Women were not to wear head cover. Turkish language was to be written with Latin alphabet instead of Arabic.
Iranian Nationalism In 1925 Reza Khan overthrew the Shah of Iran. He later assumed the title of Shah and established a dynasty called the Pahlavi Dynasty – Reza Shah Pahlavi He tried to modernize and industrialize Iran. He was not very successful in social reform. He did establish western educational system.
Arab Nationalism Pan Arabism grew during the 1920s. This was started during world war I. The allied power occupied Arab Countries as mandates of the League of Nations after World War – I. Europeans Created the borders of the Middle Eastern State. Lord Balfour later declared the division of palestine into an Arab State and a Jewish State.
Other Nationalist Movements Zionism: Jewish Nationalist movement of 1890s led by Theodre Herzl to create a national homeland for the Jewish People. They became successful with the establishment of Israel. Indian Nationalism Indian National Congress in 1885 to demand equal rights for Natives All India Muslim League in 1905 to Protect Muslim rights in India
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