curious Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK


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Presentation transcript:

curious Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word in the selection is curious. Say it with me: curious. A curious person is excited about learning and full of questions. If you are curious about something, you want to know more about it. 2. En español, curious quiere decir “una persona ansiosa por aprender, una persona que tiene muchas preguntas sobre lo que no sabe, curioso.” Si eres curioso, quieres aprender más acerca de algo. 3. Curious in English and curioso in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word curious. (Point to the students looking at the globe.) These students are curious about other countries. They are using the globe to find out where different countries are located. PARTNER TALK 5. Turn to your partner and talk about a place you are curious about. Tell your partner what you would like to find out about this place. Share your answers with the class. 6. List three things or places you are curious about. Then ask your partner if he or she is also curious about these things. Use this question frame: Are you curious about ____________? Your partner should say I am curious about ____________ or I am not curious about ____________. 7. Now let’s say curious together three more times: curious, curious, curious. curious

policy Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 2 image. 1. Another word in the selection is policy. Say it with me: policy. A policy is a rule that people are expected to follow. Schools and businesses have policies to make sure they run smoothly and safely. 2. En español, policy quiere decir “una norma o una regla que las personas deben seguir.” Los colegios y las empresas tienen normas para asegurar su funcionamiento y seguridad. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word policy. (Point to the “Please Keep off the Grass” sign.) The owners of this yard have a policy that people are not allowed on the grass. They have posted a sign to make sure people know that they are expected to follow this rule. PARTNER TALK 4. With a partner, talk about some of the policies we have in our classroom. Choose one policy to share with the rest of the class. Tell what the policy is and why you think we have it. (One policy our class has is that you must raise your hand to speak. This keeps everyone from talking at the same time.) 5. Work with a partner to complete this sentence frame: Some policies in the library are ____________. (You must talk quietly. You must have a library card to check out books.) 6. Now let’s say policy together three more times: policy, policy, policy. policy

ranged Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 3 image. 1. Another word in the selection is ranged. Say it with me: ranged. Ranged means that there is variety between limits. If the temperatures for last week ranged between 85 degrees and 90 degrees, that means that all the days had temperatures between 85 degrees and 90 degrees. 2. En español, to range quiere decir “variar entre sus límites, oscilar.” Si la semana pasada la temperatura osciló entre 85 y 90 grados, eso quiere decir que cada día de la semana pasada la temperatura estuvo entre 85 y 90 grados. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word ranged. (Point to the pole vaulter.) This athlete practiced jumping, or vaulting, over a bar. The height of the bar he jumped over ranged between 11 and 13 feet.   PARTNER TALK 4. Tell a partner about the range of ages of people in your family. Use the sentence frame: The ages in my family range from ____________ to ____________. 5. Listen to this sentence: The ages of the guests at the party ranged from seven to thirteen years old. Now with your partner, decide whether these people could have been at the party: an eight year old, a fourteen year old, a five year old, an eleven year old. Compare your answers with another pair. (Answers should be: yes, no, no, yes) 7. Now let’s say ranged together three more times: ranged, ranged, ranged. ranged

temporary Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word in the selection is temporary. Say it with me: temporary. Something that is temporary lasts only for a certain amount of time. A substitute teacher is a temporary teacher until your regular teacher returns. 2. En español, temporary quiere decir “algo que dura un tiempo limitado, provisional o transitorio.” Un profesor suplente es un profesor provisional que sólo te enseña mientras regresa tu profesor habitual o permanente. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word temporary. (Point to the arm in the cast.) This person is wearing a cast. The cast is temporary. When the person’s arm is healed, he or she will no longer wear the cast.   PARTNER TALK 4. With a partner, look around our classroom. What are some things that are temporary, or not always a part of our classroom? Share your answers with the class. 5. Work with your partner to complete this sentence frame: Holiday decorations are temporary because ____________. (Holiday decorations are temporary because we take them down after the holidays are over.) 6. Now let’s say temporary together three more times: temporary, temporary, temporary. temporary

several Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 5 image. 1. Another word in the selection is several. Say it with me: several. Several means “more than two but less than many.” During a soccer game, each team has several players on the field. 2. En español, several quiere decir “varios, más de uno pero no muchos.” Durante un partido de fútbol, cada equipo tiene varios jugadores en la cancha. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word several. (Point to the dog and her puppies.) This dog has several puppies. There are more than two puppies, but four is not a large number of puppies.   MOVEMENT 4. Let’s show examples of several. (Hop several times in one place.) I hopped several times. Now let’s all hop several times. (Have students demonstrate several hops.) Now I’ll show another example of several. (Clap your hands several times.) I clapped several times. Now let’s all clap several times. (Have students demonstrate several claps.) 5. Have volunteers demonstrate other examples of several. (Students may show examples of several steps, several head shakes, several hand waves, several blinks, etc.) 6. Now let’s say several together three more times: several, several, several. several

frequently Key Words Unit 1 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 6 image. 1. Another word in the selection is frequently. Say it with me: frequently. If you do something frequently, you do it often. I frequently eat cereal for breakfast. I eat it almost every morning. 2. En español, frequently quiere decir “que ocurre a menudo o muchas veces, frecuentemente.” Yo desayuno cereal frecuentemente. Ese es mi desayuno casi todos los días. 3. Frequently in English and frecuentemente in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word frequently. This girl is having a drink while on her bike. When you are exercising outdoors, it is a good idea to stop frequently to rest and drink water.   PARTNER TALK 5. Exercising frequently is one way to stay healthy. Talk with a partner about some other things you should do frequently in order to stay healthy. Share your ideas with the class. 6. Tell a partner about a place you visit frequently. Explain why you go there frequently. (I frequently visit my friend’s house because we like to play together.) 7. Now let’s say frequently together three more times: frequently, frequently, frequently. frequently

I bet Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK 1. In English, people say I bet when they are making a good guess about something that they don’t know for sure. Say it with me: I bet. I bet most of you like pizza. 2. En español, I bet quiere decir “apuesto.” Se usa cuando suponen algo pero no estan totalmente seguros. Apuesto que a casi todos ustedes les gusta la pizza. 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase I bet. (Point to the boy in the lead.) This boy might be saying, “Hurry! I bet we can get to the playground before the other kids.”   CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I’m going to describe some situations. If you think what I’m describing might happen, say “I bet.” If not, don’t say anything. I’m going to give you a huge elephant. I’m going to give you homework. We’re going to read books this week. We’re going to take a trip to the moon. 5. I’m going to say some sentences. Repeat the sentences. Replace the words I think with I bet. I think it will rain. I think we’ll have pizza at the party. I think we’ll go to the library. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: I bet, I bet, I bet. I bet

I have trouble Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK 1. In English, I have trouble is another way of saying “I have a problem.” Say it with me: I have trouble. Sometimes I have trouble getting my dog to stop barking. 2. En español, I have trouble quiere decir “me cuesta trabajo.” A veces me cuesta trabajo calmar a mi perro cuando ladra. 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase I have trouble. This woman is calling her friend for help. She is saying, “I have trouble with my car. It has a fl at tire. Can you help me fi x it?”   PARTNER TALK 4. Imagine you need to call your partner for help. Tell your partner what you are having trouble with. Role-play the phone call with your partner. Then perform it for the class. 5. Complete this sentence: I have trouble with ____________, but I’m great at ____________. Then share your sentence with your partner. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: I have trouble, I have trouble, I have trouble. I have trouble

RSVP Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK 1. People RSVP to tell the host of a party whether they will be able to attend. Say it with me: RSVP. It is polite to RSVP when you get an invitation. 2. En español, RSVP quiere decir “responde, por favor.” Cuando estas siglas aparecen en una invitación, el anfi trión quiere saber si vas a asistir a la fi esta o no. 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase RSVP. It shows a party invitation. If you received this invitation, you would need to RSVP to tell the host whether you were able to go to the party.   CHORAL RESPONSE 4. Let’s practice how to RSVP. First, repeat after me: “Thank you for asking me. I’ll be at the party.” Now let’s say “Thank you for asking me. I’m sorry that I won’t be able to go.” 5. Now I’m going to name some situations. If you’d need to RSVP, say “RSVP.” If you would not need to RSVP, don’t say anything. You’re invited to a birthday party. Breakfast every morning at your house Your friend invites you to dinner on Saturday. Riding the school bus 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: RSVP, RSVP, RSVP. RSVP

call to accept Function Words & Phrases Unit 1 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK 1. When people call to accept, they are calling to say “yes” to an invitation. Say it with me: call to accept. One way you can RSVP to an invitation is to call to accept. 2. En español, to call to accept quiere decir “llamar para aceptar.” Puedes llamar por teléfono a tu anfi trión para decirle que aceptas su invitación. 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase call to accept. This girl is making a call to accept her friend’s invitation. She is telling her friend that she will be able to go to the party.   PARTNER TALK 4. Imagine your partner has invited you to a party. Role-play making a call to accept the invitation. Then switch roles. 5. Work with a partner. Make a list of activities that you would call to accept in order to do them. Share your list with the class. (Examples: go to a sleepover, go to a party, go to a special dinner) 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: call to accept, call to accept, call to accept. call to accept

writer Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. writer

dentist Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. dentist

mail carrier Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. mail carrier

director Basic Words mailman 1 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. director

groomer Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. groomer

teacher Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card. 2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. teacher

Basic Words Unit 1 ● Week 2 ROUTINE Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.