EHEMU PROGRAMME FOR 2007 Herman Van Oyen and Aurore Clavel
Purpose of EHEMU To educate policy makers, politicians and the public in health expectancy as an indicator of population health To analyse and interpret the results To provide annual comparable health expectancy estimates for all European Union countries, in association with Eurostat
European Health Expectancy Monitoring Unit (EHEMU) Educating about health expectancies Analysing and interpreting the results Providing annual comparable values
Remaining work Four remaining tasks 1.Web site 2.Calculations from SILC data 3.Country reports 4.Scientific papers
Web site New primary data New meta data - bibliography - glossary - interpreting health expectancy SILC 2005 as soon as available Version 2 End of January 2007 Version 3 End of May 2007
SILC data How is your health in general ? 1. Very Good 2. Good 3. Fair 4. Bad 5. Very Bad Do you have any long-standing illness or health problem? 1. Yes 2. No For at least the last 6 months have you been limited in activities people usually do, because of a health problem? 1. Yes, strongly limited 2. Yes, limited 3. Not limited => LE in good perceived health => LE without chronic morbidity => LE without activity limitation (HLY)
Consultation about Issue 0 Issue 0 of the Country Reports was prepared for each country (15 of the ECHP) and sent with a questionnaire to the: Public Health network Expert network Questionnaire had open ended questions and covered the structure, format and layout, data sources, whether results were comparable to those from national series Replies received from 12 Public Health and 17 Experts Very positive feedback but disliked: Eurobarometer composite indicator from Eurobarometer Country reports
Four A4 pages on folded A3 Front –HE background Back –Overall EU values Middle –Left – trends over time –Right – trade-off between HE measures Conserve the same structure Change the data used Issue 0Issue 1Furthers Issue TrendsECHPECHP + SILCSILC MeasuresEurobarometerSILCEHIS Country reports Issue 1 available for 25 countries at the end of May 2007 Future issues
Scientific papers Paper based on the SHARE report Estimates of HLY in Europe using SILC data Generic indicator : conceptual Comparisons of different surveys