Best Chapter Website Contest 2017 Best Chapter Website Contest
1. Chapter website (URL address) 1. Chapter website (URL address). If there is a “members only” section please provide a temporary access ID and password for the judges. Username: Password: Payroll2017 2. Briefly describe how the website was developed and the date it was established. Our website with was established in 2003. In 2013 we were notified by Jobing that the platform our website was hosted on would be retired in the next few years. We were unhappy with the reporting capabilities and security of the Jobing site, so we were hoping to move to a more robust platform. StarChapter was selected for the new website. The process to transition the site from Jobing to StarChapter began in late February 2015. Our first day live on the new site was July 1, 2015. We are currently exploring going to the StarChapter beta administration site, which would give us a first opportunity to give expanded features to our members. Denver Chapter Payroll Association
3. How are chapter members involved in the website’s management and content? The Webmaster is appointed by the Board of Directors each year. The Webmaster is then responsible for overseeing the Website Committee, which is currently comprised of 3 chapter members. All committee members receive training on the website, both by the vendor and by the Webmaster. Due to the sensitive nature of the data, the group is kept small. If individual recruitment is not successful, then we would reach out to all membership via Newsletter, the Announcement section of the website, and agenda item at Monthly Professional Education meetings. The committee also focuses on the Social Media aspect of the Chapter. Current focus is on Facebook and LinkedIn, however we are recruiting for Twitter and Instagram specialist(s) to reach those platforms as well. 4. How many hours are spent each month maintaining your website? How often is the website updated? Our website is very user friendly for setup, so most of the time the maintenance takes only a few hours each month. The majority of that maintenance includes setting up new meetings, sending meeting reminders and assisting members with questions regarding their member access to the site. There are also periods of higher activity such as preparing for our Statewide (Rocky Mountain Regional Payroll Conference) or during Board transition at the beginning of the year. Those would add several hours of work, but that is much less time compared to our old website. The website is updated for all planned meetings and Board transition at the beginning of the year. The Statewide pages are updated as information becomes available. For example, the date and location is added very early in the year, but the speaker content is not available until closer to registration opening. Other maintenance is done on-demand. For example, this would include setting up new community outreach events, posting special announcements to our membership, nominations for Board of Directors, or linking to APA classes (online or in the Denver area). Denver Chapter Payroll Association
5. What is the monthly fee for your website. Do you have a sponsor 5. What is the monthly fee for your website? Do you have a sponsor? Does your website generate income for your chapter? The fee for our website is $100 per month. This cost covers up to 800 members and 10,000 non-members, 20 admin access users, 60,000 monthly emails and 2GB of storage. The vendor also offers online and telephone support and board training included in this price. The knowledge base tools are extensive, so even a new administrator can get up to speed very quickly. We do not currently ask for vendor partners to sponsor our website since the cost is relatively low. The DCPA still has an active partnership with We link our website with the job search tool. Therefore, we generate a small income whenever members use our website to search for or post a job. This averages about $150 per quarter. 6. Do you have a link to your Chapter Profile on APA’s website? Yes, we have had a link to our website for years on the APA website. Denver Chapter Payroll Association
7. How has the website attracted new members to the chapter and to APA National? The DCPA’s website was historically geared towards chapter activities in the local area only due to limitations with our previous provider. With StarChapter, the DCPA provides more thorough content and specific links to draw our members to APA National. Now that we have had some time to settle in and gain some comfort with our new site, connecting our members to APA National was a major part of our focus for 2017. In 2017 we started a new fun activity to drive members to the website, and to social media. In each newsletter, we ask 5 trivia questions. Most of the questions are payroll focused, and the answers can be found either on, the Chapter Facebook or LinkedIn pages, or the APA national pages. We also include some local history that can easily be searched on the internet. The members can then submit their answers to a member of the Board of Directors. All of the members that submit 100% correct responses are entered in a drawing at the next monthly meeting for a prize. During each Chapter meeting, we show a slideshow of pictures, fun facts and icebreaker questions during the networking and business portion of the meeting. Since we started the trivia, we also display the questions on the slideshow, which creates some fun conversation at the tables. Denver Chapter Payroll Association