Pome Fruit Fubrax / KIKU® Fubrax is a mutation of the virus-free clonal selection Brak 8 More intense red color with streaks on the entire surface High productivity and abundant yields It is suitable for longer storage periods Parentage: Fuji Brak 8 mutation With Fuji Fruit that meets the quality standard to be sold under the KIKU® trademark Topworking of Brak to Fubrax at no royalty rate
Pome Fruit Fubrax / KIKU® Current situation Test trees are planted in all TopFruit test sites Variety listing outstanding Expected 2019 Fruit that meets the quality standard to be sold under the KIKU® trademark Topworking of Brak to Fubrax at no royalty rate
Tree Chilling High Vigour Strong Growth habit Spreading Full bloom FUBRAX / KIKU® Tree Chilling High Vigour Strong Growth habit Spreading Full bloom Middle October Pollinators Granny Smith, Hillieri Bearing habit Spur and shoots Production
Fruit Brand KIKU® Harvest Late March Mass 150g Shape Flat – globose FUBRAX / KIKU® Fruit Brand KIKU® Harvest Late March Mass 150g Shape Flat – globose Skin colour Intense red color with streaks on the entire surface Lenticels Conspicuous Flesh colour Cream Taste Juicy, Sweet Texture Crisp Storage ability Very good Any additional notes: