Intro to Chem Exam Review
Formal Assessment: analyze responses to exit ticket and the quiz Objectives: Today I will be able to: Apply dimensional analysis to problem solving in chemistry Informal assessment: monitor student questions and interactions as they complete the problems Formal Assessment: analyze responses to exit ticket and the quiz Common Core Connection Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm – Up Elaborate: Exam Review WS Evaluate: Exit Ticket
Dimensional Analysis the Crazy Way Warm Up 1 terrier = ______ kangaroos These are your conversion factors: 1 terrier = 4 hippos 17 hippos = 2 kangaroos
925 bears = _______ terriers 1 terrier = 4 hippos 4 hamsters = 6 bears 17 hippos = 2 kangaroos 2 hamsters = 3 kangaroos
4031 pickles = _____ funnel cake 32 funnel cakes = 4 tires 980 pickles = 1 camera 96 cameras = 55 tires
Objective Today I will be able to: Apply dimensional analysis to problem solving in chemistry
Homework Study for Intro to Chem Exam Thursday Lab Safety Accuracy and Precision Scientific Notation Sig Figs Dimensional Analysis
Agenda Warm – Up Intro to Chem Review WS Exit Ticket
Exit Ticket Write one question that Ms. Ose could ask on the quiz tomorrow and write an answer for it.