Computing Scenario Shaking For Nevada Urban Areas With The Model Assembler Community Modeling Environment (MA-CME) J. Louie and L. Preston Nevada Seismological Laboratory S. Larsen Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Liz Lenox, Rei Arai, and Amr Wakwak Dept. Geological Sciences and Engineering, UNR J. Louie, SSA 4/12/2007
MA-CME provides a tutorial GUI to E3D Set up a Grid: J. Louie, SSA 4/12/2007
Define an Earthquake Source: J. Louie, SSA 4/12/2007
Genoa – Mount Rose Scenario: MA-CME adds Geotech & Basins Scott et al. (2004) Vs30 transect. Pancha measurements at ANSS stations. “Quadrant” interpolation between scattered measurements, respecting geologic map. Vs30=500 m/s assumed on sediment, 760 m/s (white and cyan) on rock. J. Louie, SSA 4/12/2007
Genoa – Mount Rose Scenario: MA-CME adds Geotech & Basins Three datasets, not well stitched together: Geologic map with basin depths assumed from bedrock proximity, in California. Jachens et al. USGS basin gravity inversions for Basin & Range; sedimentary plus Tertiary volcanic basins. Abbott & Louie (2000) Reno basin gravity study. J. Louie, SSA 4/12/2007
Genoa Fault – Mount Rose Fault Systems West Reno basin, above end of rupture, has 5x the PGV of any other basin near fault. Highest shaking not correlated with basin depth- Tahoe artificially deep in this model. Dataset boundaries not interfering with these conclusions. J. Louie, SSA 4/12/2007
Frenchman Mountain Fault PGV >5 cm/s above west-dipping fault at 0.3 Hz. Sub-basins contain the greatest shaking. J. Louie, SSA 4/12/2007
Frenchman Mountain Fault Schools closest to the fault experience greatest PGV but shortest durations. J. Louie, SSA 4/12/2007
Northern Death Valley Fault Zone Animation combines inputs and outputs. E3D computation at 0.3 Hz on a 281x251 grid with dh=1 km. Infinite Q. The two rupture scenarios have very different effects. Get the scenario animations on your cell phone from J. Louie, SSA 4/12/2007
Northern Death Valley Fault Zone Ratio of PGV from rupture toward LVV, over away. Largest amplifications due to directivity are in bedrock. Some margins of LVV also show 1500% amplifications. J. Louie, SSA 4/12/2007
Northern Death Valley Fault Zone Compare PGV of 2679 areas, each 1-km2, in LVV against Vs30 and Z2.0. J. Louie, SSA 4/12/2007
Northern Death Valley Fault Zone Vs30 affecting 1.5-km waves! J. Louie, SSA 4/12/2007
Northern Death Valley Fault Zone J. Louie, SSA 4/12/2007
Conclusions Students can use MA-CME to set problems up, but plotting and visualizing are still lots of work. Scenario Results: M7.5 Genoa–Mt. Rose– Reno basin gets 5 times the PGV of any other. M5.0 Frenchman Mtn.– high PGV accompanied by short duration. M7.5 No. Death Valley– rupture toward city produces up to 15 times the PGV as rupture away. At long periods, 0.3 Hz, E3D is producing huge uncertainties in PGV. J. Louie, SSA 4/12/2007