Discover Your Personality Style TRUE COLORS Discover Your Personality Style
Key Concepts True Colors is a metaphor. Each person is a unique blend of the four colors. There are no bad or good colors.
Background Information Created by:Don Lowry Lowery drew heavily on the work of Isabel Briggs-Myers, Katherine Briggs, & David Keirsey
Discover Your “True Self” Are you more Blue? Gold? Orange? Green? By understanding your “true color,” you can gain valuable insight into your temperament, personality, and reduce confrontations with others.
4 = most 3 = a lot 2 = somewhat 1 = least Instructions Read the words clusters in each row. 2. Decide which words choices describe you the best. 3. Rank each of the four boxes in descending preference (by row). 4 = most 3 = a lot 2 = somewhat 1 = least
If your brightest color is Blue… Strengths are... Extremely Imaginative Honesty, integrity important Seek harmonious relationships Appreciate open communication Adept at interacting with others Seek harmony in all you do Able to cultivate the potential in yourself and others
Discuss Q: What are some of the positive attributes of this “Color”? Q: What challenges might someone face? Situation: If you see me in the library during lunch sitting at a computer, (in relation to this color) how might I want you to interact with me?
If your brightest color is Gold… Strengths are… Value order and well-established routines Cherish traditions Provide for stability & structure Loyalty is a trademark Generous Encourage team efforts Hard, meticulous worker
Discuss Q: What are some of the positive attributes of this “Color”? Q: What challenges might someone face? Situation: If you see me in the library during lunch sitting at a computer, (in relation to this color) how might I want you to interact with me?
If your brightest color is Green… Strengths are… Performs best when working independently Loves to explore abstract concepts Need to be challenged Seek new knowledge and understanding Constantly “in process” of change Trouble with repetition Experience deep feelings
Discuss Q: What are some of the positive attributes of this “Color”? Q: What challenges might someone face? Situation: If you see me in the library during lunch sitting at a computer, (in relation to this color) how might I want you to interact with me?
If your brightest color is orange… Strengths are… Adventurous Risk Taker Thrive on choice Master negotiator Learn by doing and experiencing Love the freedom to take immediate action Natural entertainer (light-hearted and love to have fun) Performs best when a sense of competition is present
Discuss Q: What are some of the positive attributes of this “Color”? Q: What challenges might someone face? Situation: If you see me in the library during lunch sitting at a computer, (in relation to this color) how might I want you to interact with me?
Conclusion Turn & Talk I used to think…., Now I think....