Afraid Rebecca, Simona, Laura
Why people are afraid? First impression Culture Skin tone Language Different Rumors
What we can do about it? 1. Support each other 2. Culture events 3. Try to understand 4. Role model 5. Make friends 6. Motivation
How to support each other? Give food, clothes, room Don’t judge each others Trying to help them get work, school education Be friendly Listen their back rounds
Culture events International food day. Try many different culture food International sport day. Try many sports International religion day. Were you can learn about different religions.
Try to understand Respect Tolerance Open minded Not be afraid Be patient Be there for them Listen & see
Role model Make friends Activities Social media In school Learn kids to do right If you feel bad don’t bring it outside
Motivation Keep them happy Push them out of theirs comfort zone Push them to communicate with other people Feed back
How they feel? Lonely Sad Outsider Different Scared Unmotivated Afraid