International Labour Office LABORSTA ON THE WEB International Labour Office
International Labour Office LABORSTA generic for the statistical databases of the ILO Bureau of Statistics (STAT) data methodological information used to produce printed publications International Labour Office
International Labour Office LABORSTA ON THE WEB dynamic application accessed through Internet contains data contains text It is a dynamic application in the sense that HTML pages are generated following the users requests and sent back to them The dialogue between the application and the users is done through Internet, there is no permanent connection to the database. It contains statistical information, and text. International Labour Office
International Labour Office DATA data communicated to the ILO since 1969 on: employment unemployment wages hours of work labour cost occupational injuries strikes and lockouts nearly 60,000 time-series International Labour Office
International Labour Office TEXT concepts and definitions, resolutions extracts international standard classifications explanatory notes methodological information on data International Labour Office
International Labour Office APPLICATION FEATURES the application allows users to view, print and download data it has a on-line “Help” minimizes user’s navigation needed to access data is free of charge International Labour Office
International Labour Office FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS to include all of the data collected and stored in STAT to make it available also in French and Spanish to keep it free of charge International Labour Office
International Labour Office URL: HTTP://LABORSTA.ILO.ORG International Labour Office