Welcome to October Count 2016 - 2017
State Reporting Fields Enrollment State Reporting Fields.
Fields Date Most First Enrolled in US This field collects the date a student mostly recently enrolled in any public or nonpublic US school (not Puerto Rico). If a student has never attended schools outside of the US, use the date the student first entered any US school at any grade (e.g. code 09/01/2007 for a student currently in 4th grade who entered Kindergarten at the start of SY 20082009 Schools on US military bases count as US schools Homeschool does not count as a “public or non public US school”. The US date cannot be after the students start date.
Post Secondary Program Field Only for high school students taking Concurrent Enrollment. Concurrent Enrollment or ASCENT Registrar will code Concurrent Enrollment. Amber Lopez will code ASCENT student in the high school line of enrollment. If a student is taking all Concurrent Enrollment class off campus and attendance is not being taken at the high school. You must contact the student to take the form called Post-Secondary Teacher Verification. The student must take this form for the 11 window and have their teacher at the college verify attendance. The student must return this form back to you and you will need to bring to your audit when you turn in your documentation.
Pupil Attendance For grade levels KG – 12 Coding will only use the following codes 01 – Resident, Designated School (APS Students) 02 – Resident, School of Choice (APS Students) 04 – Non- Resident, Choice (Non-APS Students) Charter Schools and APS schools without attendance areas will code APS resident students as 02. These types of school should never use the 01 code.
Resident District or State Coding for this field will depend on the coding in the Pupil Attendance. If the Pupil Attendance field is coded with a 01 or o2 then the Resident District or State will remain blank. Peggy will run a script to update this field If the student is coded with 04 then the Resident District or State must be coded with their home District code.
District Defined Fields Last US Entry Date : Last US Entry Date (Please refer back to slide 3 for US Information) Last CO Enr : if the student enrolls from another State please enter in the students enrollment date. If the student has always attended a CO school use the students KG start date If the student drops out or is homeschooled and reenrolls back into school, use the students start date. This will also change the student US date The US date and the Co date cannot be after the students enrollment date. Removed
Funding Code A student is eligible for full-time funding if the student has a schedule as of the pupil enrollment count date which provides at least 360 hours of teacher-pupil instruction and teacher-pupil contact and instruction in the semester of the pupil enrollment count date. Part-Time Funding: A student is eligible for part-time funding if the student has a schedule as of the pupil enrollment count date which provides at least 90 hours, but less than 360 hours, of teacher-pupil instruction and teacher-pupil contact time in the semester of the pupil enrollment count date. Less than 90 hours is not eligible for funding All PK students will be coded by Early Childhood KG student must be code with funding code 82 Please code all other students based off the students schedule for full time, part time, not eligible
October Count Forms
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