Design Thinking Guide for Schools teaching and assessing A structured approach to teaching and assessing the 21st century skills Welcome/ greet
Session 3 Let the educators share their insights on the activity. Ask questions : How they felt when their partner said NO. Ask them what is the difference between saying BUT in every situation? What does it lead to? How does saying AND help collaboration. Close the loop by saying “how the importance of being open to new ideas and being optimistic and saying AND instead of BUT.”
Identifying the hotspots and bright spots CARTOGRAPHY Video
Being a DETECTIVE Video
Being a REPORTER Video
Getting Closer to the REAL ROOT CAUSE Video
The biggest factor for how innovative your solution will be depends on Why is it important The biggest factor for how innovative your solution will be depends on how you clearly define the opportunity for change. This ensures that you take responsible action for the change. IMAGINE What does it develop What does it cultivate 21ST CENTURY SKILLS ETHICS Responsibility Creative Thinking Innovation Adaptability brainstorm ways to take the current situation to a preferred state for self and others Before we begin, Discuss the why behind the feel. Take a few response as to how their experience have been. Share about the skills that it helps develops and the value that it helps inculcate.
Best Case Scenario First step of IMAGINE Prompt the teachers to recall the vocabulary, then show the response. Ask for their understanding of best case scenario. (1/2 responses)
Lets plan a… Family Evening TIME: 5 min Introduce the challenge. Take 1 or 2 responses on their idea of a family evening.
What if…my ideal family evening is like a Game Show Asking ‘What If’ What if…my ideal family evening is like a Game Show Show the three strategies and then ask the participants to choose one strategy and apply it on their scenario.
Using Verbs (Action Words) In the family night, each family member decorates the outside wall together with DIY material Show the three strategies and then ask the participants to choose one strategy and apply it on their scenario.
Keeping the strategies in mind, come up with a Best Case Scenario as a group Teacher take 5 minutes to work on their scenario and then share it with the whole group.
Strategies to form Best Case Scenario Asking What If it is like Using Verbs (Action Words) Teacher take 5 minutes to work on their scenario and then share it with the whole group.
SHARE Let the educators share their insights on the activity. Ask questions : How they felt when their partner said NO. Ask them what is the difference between saying BUT in every situation? What does it lead to? How does saying AND help collaboration. Close the loop by saying “how the importance of being open to new ideas and being optimistic and saying AND instead of BUT.”
TIME FOR SOME CREATIVITY Share these examples
Share these examples
Complete the Image by sharing ideas within your group Time: 5 minutes This section talks about the next step- BRAINSTORMING. Creativity activity. Participants work in group of 4/5 and complete the picture. Urge them to brainstorm within the group to complete the picture.
SHARE Let the educators share their insights on the activity. Ask questions : How they felt when their partner said NO. Ask them what is the difference between saying BUT in every situation? What does it lead to? How does saying AND help collaboration. Close the loop by saying “how the importance of being open to new ideas and being optimistic and saying AND instead of BUT.”
Share these examples
list down a bank of 30 ideas that can be used to solve the issue Brainstorm ideas Keeping in mind the ‘Yes’/ ‘ And’ activity, list down a bank of 30 ideas that can be used to solve the issue ASK - How was their experience of brainstorming for the two activities? Talk about how they were able to come up with ideas by building on each other’s thoughts. Ask them to apply the same process for their challenge….Give them five minutes to work on the ideas.
RULES FOR BRAINSTORMING One conversation at a time Go for quantity Encourage wild ideas Build on the ideas of others (Yes/And) Be visual Vote for the best idea Reiterate the rules of brainstorming. ASK - How was their experience of brainstorming for the two activities? Talk about how they were able to come up with ideas by building on each other’s thoughts. ASK- Experiences of brainstorming from the classroom.
Share your solutions Let the educators share their insights on the activity. Ask questions : How they felt when their partner said NO. Ask them what is the difference between saying BUT in every situation? What does it lead to? How does saying AND help collaboration. Close the loop by saying “how the importance of being open to new ideas and being optimistic and saying AND instead of BUT.”
IMAGINE IMPACT Can we make/implement it? Would we be able to get the resources for it? Will people find our solution useful? What do your team-mates feel about the chosen solution? IMAGINE IMPACT Facilitator asks the participants to analyze their solutions within the group based on these questions. TIME: 5 minutes
SESSION 4 Let the educators share their insights on the activity. Ask questions : How they felt when their partner said NO. Ask them what is the difference between saying BUT in every situation? What does it lead to? How does saying AND help collaboration. Close the loop by saying “how the importance of being open to new ideas and being optimistic and saying AND instead of BUT.”
“Design is how it works.” -Steve Jobs Connecting slide to DO. If best case scenario is our goal, now is the time to take it to action. IN THIS SECTION: Teachers understand the importance of prototyping, and how to enable children to reflect and share. They will also become aware of the mindset shift in themselves through the design thinking process.
DO Why is it important What does it develop What does it cultivate Doing allows one to bridge the gap between intention and action for maximum impact. DO What does it develop What does it cultivate 21ST CENTURY SKILLS CREATIVE CONFIDENCE Problem Solving Collaboration Resourcefulness Time Management Stamina do what it takes to bring about change with courage and determination Again, begin by asking “ Why is Do important? “ Take few response. Call out a few participants who would like to share their experience. Talk about the skills that Do builds and the value it develops “Creative Condition”
DESIGN CHALLENGE In 20 minutes, your team must build the tallest freestanding structure out of You are not allowed to tape anything to the ground, and the marshmallow must be at the highest point of the structure. Introduce the challenge Observe the way groups are proceeding. Do they start with the marshmallow / lump of clay or they try out various structures before figuring that out. Observe the strategies they are using during the activity.
SHARE Let the educators share their insights on the activity. Ask questions : How they felt when their partner said NO. Ask them what is the difference between saying BUT in every situation? What does it lead to? How does saying AND help collaboration. Close the loop by saying “how the importance of being open to new ideas and being optimistic and saying AND instead of BUT.”
Did you use any strategy to complete the challenge? Did you give up at any point of time during the activity? Why? Do you think the activity is connected to your personal challenge?
WATCH VIDEO Story of change – Small Bench and Long Legs URL: Video on prototyping- Small bench and long legs - Ask the teachers to call out instances from the video where they saw prototyping happening.
Create a PROTOTYPE DO What is a prototype? Prototype or prototyping is a process that essentially allows us to test the idea at an initial level before we go out to implement it. It gives an opportunity for feedback from people involved in the problem. It is like an opportunity to understand what our idea actually looks like and could result into. Lets watch a video
Share Who will be the expert with whom we’ll share our prototype data and refine our solution?
Identify the Hot Spots/ Bright Spots in Your Prototype Keep in mind the 3-2-1 rule from the book: 3 things that worked 2 things that did not work 1 thing you would like to change Within the group, participants identify the hotspots and bright spots based on the 3,2,1 rule. Ask them to work on the chart papers Time: 5 minutes
NOW, MAKE YOU PLAN OF ACTION HOW WILL YOU DO IT? WHAT YOU NEED? WHO WILL DO IT? WHEN? Based on the discussion on hotspots and bright spots, they make a final plan of action. Time: 5 minutes
Who will be the expert with whom we’ll share our prototype data and refine our solution?
Its now time to launch the project DO Wrapping up Do: Once the plan is executed it empowers US with the I Can Mindset because we now know that We are not helpless, Change is possible and We can drive it. This is the I can Mindset
Feelings Actions And while documenting the DO, focus on Changes Transformations Dialoguing on what points to keep in mind while capturing your story. Ask: If you have to capture your family evening, what will you capture in it?
Sharing helps to inspire and let others know that it is possible. Why is it important Sharing helps to inspire and let others know that it is possible. SHARE What does it develop What does it cultivate 21ST CENTURY SKILLS SPIRIT OF ABUNDANCE Story Telling Digital Literacy Effective Communication Leadership share my story to inspire others to be the change Begin by asking why is Share important? Talk about the skills it develops and the value it helps inculcate. Let a few participants share their experience.
WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT WAYS TO SHARE? Create a Storyboard Small Celebrations Share in School Assembly Share with other classrooms/ nearby schools Sharing in the community Sharing through media Take responses from the participants first and then share suggestions from our end.
DFC SUBMISSION PLATFORM A key way to share your story and inspire large number of people – submit it. Share example of Aura and KC Thackerey.
About the Curriculum Feel: 7 sessions both inside and outside classroom Imagine: 3 sessions inside the classroom Do: 16 sessions, outside the classroom except for planning Share: 4 sessions, both inside and outside the classroom Get teachers to go through the guide and take them through the over-all plan for the 30 planned sessions. Ask teachers to plan the different sections in the planner given in the Teacher Guide. Ask them to mark the months when their grade will have exams, sports day, annual day, holidays. Ask teachers who have implemented DTG last year to share their experiences and how can we help them plan better for this year.
Celebration- of the change, and how we changed through that story An important part of celebration is to identify the superpowers we and our students are developing and celebrating it.
Unleashing Superpowers: Introduction to assessment of 21st Century Skills Get them to go through the assessment metrics designed with the teacher guide. Take them through each section and share with them that after each section, they can mark their students using this tool. It will help them build evidence for each child’s unique strength and their super-power. Ask them how they would like to use it. Also emphasize we will be needing these markings for our own impact assessment.
CELEBRATING OUR SUPERHEROES Identifying Student’s Superpower Celebration- of the change, and how we changed through that story An important part of celebration is to identify the superpowers we and our students are developing and celebrating it.
Ask if any teacher from the group has tried the reflection tool Ask if any teacher from the group has tried the reflection tool. Share insights. Share feedback from other teachers about the assessment
ONLINE TEACHER RESOURCE PLATFORM Videos for each step Strategies for facilitation Updates of implementation from schools Monthly Newsletter Talk about the online platform and seek responses on who can share what they know about it. IF they don’t, then we introduce the platform.
A WALK THROUGH THE PLATFORM… Intro page Talk about each section
Questions? Close the loop by taking the feedback on the workshop. (5 minutes)
Feedback Feedback One thing from today that you can apply in the classroom. One feedback for us to work on.