Jeopardy Hosted by Ms. Evensen
Populations in Transition Disparities in Wealth and Development Patterns in Environmental Quality and Sustainability Patterns in Resource Consumption 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
Example Norway (fertility rate 1.8) Evaluate an example of a pro‑natalist policy. Code de la famille, France, 1939 Example Norway (fertility rate 1.8) Row 1, Col 1
Australia USA (New York) 1,2 Explain disparities and inequities that occur within countries resulting from ethnicity (3). Australia USA (New York) 1,2
The Loess Plateau, China Explain the causes of soil degradation. Discuss the environmental and socio‑economic consequences of this process, together with management strategies. The Loess Plateau, China 1,3
1,4 neo-Maltusian vs anti-Malthusian Discuss the two opposing views of the relationship between population size and resource consumption. neo-Maltusian vs anti-Malthusian (Ehrlich and Club of Rome vs Simon and Boserup) 1,4
One-Child Policy, China, 1979 Evaluate an example of an anti‑natalist policy. One-Child Policy, China, 1979 Example: Kerala, India (fertility rate 1.7) 2,1
Trade may or may not reduce disparities in wealth and development. Ethiopia Jamaica 2,2
Example of a place with economic water scarcity (where water is available locally but not accessible for human, institutional or financial capital reasons). Bolivia 2,3
China: Still coal, more HEP Explain the changes in the energy mix for many countries (2). China: Still coal, more HEP UK: More wind, more nuclear (Norway: HEP 99% of electricity) 2,4
Rural-urban migration in China Forced migration in Darfur, Sudan Evaluate internal (national) migration in terms of its geographic (socio‑economic, political and environmental) impacts at their origins and destinations (2). Rural-urban migration in China Forced migration in Darfur, Sudan 3,1
Access to markets may or may not reduce disparities in wealth and development. Jamaica Ethiopia 3,2
Explain the concept and importance of biodiversity in tropical rainforests. Examine the causes and consequences of reduced biodiversity in this biome. Amazon 3,3
Examine the geopolitical impacts of these changes in the patterns and trends in the production and consumption of oil (3). Western governments want to reduce their dependence on unstable regimes in the Middle East. Tar sand in Canada. Drilling in Antarctica. The Ecuadorian Amazon. 3,4
Evaluate international migration in terms of its geographic (socio‑economic, political and environmental) impacts at their origins and destinations. Mexicans to the USA 4,1
Favelas in Rio de Janeiro Explain disparities and inequities that occur within countries resulting from residence, parental education, income, employment (formal and informal) and land ownership. Favelas in Rio de Janeiro 4,2
4,3 Natural causes of climate change (3). Changes in the Earth’s orbit (Milankovitch cycles) Volcanic eruptions Variations in solar output (sunspots) 4,3
Paper recycling in China Green City Oslo (“Bagsy”, city bikes, EVs) Evaluate a strategy at a local or national scale aimed at reducing the consumption of one resource. Paper recycling in China Green City Oslo (“Bagsy”, city bikes, EVs) 4,4
Examine the impacts of an ageing population. Japan Example Norway 5,1
Example where remittances account for approximately 50% of GDP. Tajikistan 5,2
Excellent Development, Machakos, Kenya Evaluate a management strategy at a local or national scale designed to achieve environmental sustainability. Excellent Development, Machakos, Kenya 5,3
Shell in the Niger delta, Nigeria The Cofán in the Ecuadorian Amazon Examine the environmental impacts of the changes in the patterns and trends in the production and consumption of oil (3). Exxon Valdez, Alaska, 1989 Shell in the Niger delta, Nigeria The Cofán in the Ecuadorian Amazon 5,4