Exodus 4:2
Exodus 4:2 Moses "What is that in your hand?" And he said, " A staff."
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff "What is that in your hand?" And he said, " A staff."
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites Acts 9:36-39
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites Acts 9:36-39 Dorcas
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites Acts 9:36-39 Dorcas Needle/Thread Successful Service to God is NOT a Matter of … Possessions Age Ted Williams
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites Acts 9:36-39 Dorcas Needle/Thread Successful Service to God is NOT a Matter of … Possessions Age Ted Williams Mickey Mantle
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites Acts 9:36-39 Dorcas Needle/Thread Successful Service to God is NOT a Matter of … Possessions Age Ted Williams Mickey Mantle Juju Smith Schuster George Bernard Shaw
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites Acts 9:36-39 Dorcas Needle/Thread Successful Service to God is NOT a Matter of … Possessions Age Ted Williams Mickey Mantle Juju Smith Schuster George Bernard Shaw Mozart
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites Acts 9:36-39 Dorcas Needle/Thread Successful Service to God is NOT a Matter of … Possessions Age Ted Williams Mickey Mantle Juju Smith Schuster George Bernard Shaw Mozart Benjamin Franklin
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites Acts 9:36-39 Dorcas Needle/Thread Steering Wheel Construction Paper Weed Eater Children’s Book WBS Lesson Paint Brush Hammer Drill Rag
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites Acts 9:36-39 Dorcas Needle/Thread Steering Wheel Construction Paper Weed Eater Children’s Book WBS Lesson Paint Brush Hammer Drill Rag There Are No Champions
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites Acts 9:36-39 Dorcas Needle/Thread Steering Wheel Construction Paper Weed Eater Children’s Book WBS Lesson Paint Brush Hammer Drill Rag There Are No Champions I Samuel 8:20 “We will have a King over us, that we may be like all the nations – that our King may judge us, and go out be-fore us, and fight our battles for us.”
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites Acts 9:36-39 Dorcas Needle/Thread Steering Wheel Construction Paper Weed Eater Children’s Book WBS Lesson Paint Brush Hammer Drill Rag There Are No Champions David ? I Sam 17 Jonathan ? I Sam 14 Stephen ? Acts 7 Nehemiah ALL THE PEOPLE
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites Acts 9:36-39 Dorcas Needle/Thread Steering Wheel Construction Paper Weed Eater Children’s Book WBS Lesson Paint Brush Hammer Drill Rag I Corinthians 12:14-30 The Body Concept We are Motivated by Two Stimuli Fear (of failure) Paralyzes Desire (for results) Energizes ALL THE PEOPLE
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites Acts 9:36-39 Dorcas Needle/Thread Steering Wheel Construction Paper Weed Eater Children’s Book WBS Lesson Paint Brush Hammer Drill Rag I Corinthians 12:14-30 The Body Concept We are Motivated by Two Stimuli Fear (of failure) Paralyzes Desire (for results) Energizes ALL THE PEOPLE
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites Acts 9:36-39 Dorcas Needle/Thread Steering Wheel Construction Paper Weed Eater Children’s Book WBS Lesson Paint Brush Hammer Drill Rag I Corinthians 12:14-30 The Body Concept We are Motivated by Two Stimuli Fear (of failure) Paralyzes Desire (for results) Energizes ALL THE PEOPLE
What is That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2 Moses A Staff Judges 3:31 Shamgar An Ox Goad I Samuel 17 David A Sling John 6:5-14 Little Boy Bread & Fish Mark 12:41-44 Poor Widow Two Mites Acts 9:36-39 Dorcas Needle/Thread Steering Wheel Construction Paper Weed Eater Children’s Book WBS Lesson Paint Brush Hammer Drill Rag I Corinthians 12:14-30 The Body Concept We are Motivated by Two Stimuli Fear (of failure) Paralyzes Desire (for results) Energizes DREAM PLAN PREPARE