2-2: AGE of Nixon 1969-1975
Objectives NAT 3.0 Analyze how ideas about national identity changed in response to U.S. involvement in international conflicts and the growth of the United States. WOR 2.0 Analyze the reasons for and results of U.S. diplomatic, economic, and military initiatives in North America and overseas.
Key Concepts The United States responded to an uncertain and unstable postwar world by asserting and working to maintain a position of global leadership, with far-reaching international and domestic consequences. Post-war economic and demographic changes had far-reaching consequences for American society, politics, and culture.
Overview Foreign Policy of the 1960s and 1970s Cold War Confrontation and Détente What is the appropriate power of the executive branch?
Election of Richard Nixon Silent Majority Moderate, mainstream Americans Quietly supported Vietnam War Southern Strategy
Nixon’s Foreign Policy Vietnam “Vietnamization” “peace with honor” Invasion of Cambodia Opposition to Nixon’s War Policies My Lai Massacre Kent State Shooting Armistice Consequences of the War Inflation (coupled with Great Society) “Pentagon Papers” War Powers Resolution
Nixon’s foreign policy China and the Soviet Union Détente Need for more flexible policy Relaxation of tensions Visit to China Arms Control with the USSR Visit to Moscow SALT I Treaty
Nixon’s Domestic policy New Federalism Wanted to reduce size of government after Johnson’s Great Society Distributing federal power to state and local governments Economic Policies Revenue sharing Congressional Enactments Increased benefits to entitlements OSHA Clean Air and Water Acts (EPA)
Watergate Scandal White House Abuses Break-In Investigation Resignation of VP Spiro Agnew Nixon tax scandals Break-In Actions of CREEP at DNC HQ Investigation Role of Nixon—knowledge, cover-up? White House Tapes Subpoena and lawsuit Resignation of Nixon