Daily Quiz: Day 4 1. Which is NOT correct? a. replacement = used in place of the original b. company = having another person with you c. theoretical = based on ideas rather than experience d. adapter = a person, working for a delivery company e. label = a note attached to a product f. criticize = to say what you think is wrong with something g. branch = one of several offices or shops belonging to a larger group 2. You can plug it into a ___ . a. feedback b. block c. participant d. appointment e. socket f. assistance g. improvement
Test Tactic 2: Keywords What, woman want, buy batteries, CD player, purchase, adapter, part replaced, check, part, stock What, man tell, doesn’t run, batteries, label, incorrect, adapter isn’t included, buy another, What, man offer to do, order, check the box, give, new model, include, adapter
Test Tactic 3: Keywords 1-3. What… speakers discussing: weather, meeting, fee… repairs, visit… branch office problem: air conditioner… broken, Bill cannot do job, Karl… busy man… suggest: going… head office, change… air conditioning, asking someone else, delaying… trip
Test Tactic 3: Keywords 4-6. How… man feel… training program: not as good as old one, is improvement, not… practical value, full of useful ideas What… woman ask… about: how many trainees, package, trainees’ practical skills, comments from participants What… trainees criticize: too many ideas, no opportunity for feedback, training… too theoretical, hard to say anything
Homework Do D on p. 19 and bring it to our next class. Also, study the vocabulary for Unit 4 on p. 171. BY THE WAY! You can speak English with other students and people from around the world at the ERC everyday from 3pm to 5pm. RESEARCH shows that students who attended the ERC more than once last year gained an average of 94 points higher on their TOEIC scores than students who did not attend!