Fantastic Geography.


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Presentation transcript:

Fantastic Geography

Express your first impression of this fantastic place....

Learning Objectives All will know why Rio de Janeiro is an example of a fantastic place. Most will understand some positives and negatives of Rio de Janeiro. Some will be able to develop their original view of Rio de Janeiro at the end of the lesson.

Recap: What countries border Brazil?


Today we are looking a Rio de Janeiro

Describe Rio de Janeiro in 3 words

What about now?

Rochina is an example of a favela (slum, shanty town, squatter settlement) When people move to cities in search of a better life they often cannot afford housing..... So build on land that is illegal using scrap materials.

Picture and bubble Work your way around the tables to view the pictures and words Add your thoughts and feelings to the A3 paper about the positives and negatives of Rio and its Favelas.

Learning Objectives All will know why Rio de Janeiro is an example of a fantastic place. Most will understand some positives and negatives of Rio de Janeiro. Some will be able to develop their original view of Rio de Janeiro at the end of the lesson.

How do the things that you have learnt today affect your first impression of Rio de Janeiro?