Please DO THIS NOW. Get out the Amino Acid Snork Lab Sheet MT 14, Blueprint of Life Tuesday 01.22.13 TOPIC: MY GOAL: DO THIS NOW. Please I will… see how DNA & RNA work together to make amino acids! Get out the Amino Acid Snork Lab Sheet Turn textbook to page 244.
Do you know the answers…? What molecule contains the master instructions for genetic traits & where is it found? What molecule does DNA actually code for the production of? Why do we care about proteins? Where are proteins made? What are they made of? How does DNA send the ‘message’ to the ribosomes to make proteins? What is TRANSCRIPTION? Since amino acids are in the cytoplasm, how do they get ‘transferred’ to the ribosomes to make the proteins? What is TRANSLATION? Is DNA one or two strands? What are the subunits of DNA? What are the 4 bases used to make DNA? Is RNA one or two strands? What are the 4 bases used to make RNA? What are the 3 steps to DNA Replication? TRAITS!!! aa. aa. aa. tRNA Proteins mRNA DNA
To make proteins Protein Synthesis… DNA mRNA (Transcription=transcribe=summarize) RIBOSOMES tRNA (Translation=put into simpler terms) Amino Acids PROTEIN shape Protein Function TrAits 3
Which Amino Acids are coded by the following sequences? TRY THESE: Which Amino Acids are coded by the following sequences? CCG = Proline CAU = Histine UUU = Phenylalnine
Using the Amino Acid Codon Table FINISH ACTIVITY Using the Amino Acid Codon Table Bio 1 – decode 2 ‘Snorks’ Bio Hon –all 4 ‘Snorks’ All classes - 1 page Lab Report FRONT: Title Purpose Data = Snork drawings; labeled with Number & Name;Honors include the DNA form which the RNA came! BACK: Conclusion One full page of writing – ELABORATE!
Be the change you wish to see in the world Be nice to the world… HOMEWORK Be the change you wish to see in the world 6 6