Clinic updates December 15th Fiesta Clinic w Dr. Obryan Saw Dental patients with the help of the predental society
Clinic updates January 12 th Clinic Clean Up/Orphanage visit picture credit: Selena Gomez, thanks theyre beautiful!!
Clinic updates January 19 th clinic day, Dr. Clotfelter
Clinic Updates: Public Health spotlight Our Public Health Committee has been very popular with the patients Headed by Crystal Estrada and Brenda Gonzalez, the committee has taken measurements including glucose, A1c, and more in order to measure effectiveness Patients look forward to their workshops, and even request topics, nice feedback.
Clinic Updates: Public Health spotlight Notably, one patient had her A1C drop from ~7 to 5.6 in a few months! We look forward to your results at the end of the year Public Health Committee! With IRB approval, well be able to combine results with UCI and CSUF!
Membership you can apply and pay here, at preclinic meeting, or online: membership fee $25 membership form ( remember to send your membership form, filled out, as an attachment to our secretary, Amy Phan counts as a clinic point
Upcoming Clinics Clinic dates for the quarter: January 26 th (this Saturday) Vicki Phan if you want to drive – we can still use one more driver (but were cutting it off February 16 th March 23 rd
How do I get to attend clinic? Get a PASSPORT get a passport CARD in addition to the book so we can use the ready lane! Get clinic points do events -> earn clinic points -> apply at the link ed by the clinic coordinator mailing list: Attend mandatory pre-clinic meeting $30 clinic fee you must be a paid member to go to clinic Dont cancel at the last minute Especially if youre driving
Earn Clinic Points Go to samaritans-ucsd and download the samaritans-ucsd Stay after the meeting and sign up for Goodsearch for a bonus clinic point send a screen shot to our secretary, Amy, who will check your submission against the database
Earn Clinic Points Ongoing Ralphs campaign - tell your friends and family!! get a clinic point by ing the receipt to our secretary, Amy, or by turning it in to an officer got stuck at the zip code part? Go to to enter your address
Earn Clinic Points Bake Sale week 5, Wednesday Feb 6th Krispy Kreme, Panera Bread, Cupcakes and more! sign up through the doodle online,7:30AM to 2PM
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?